Managed Report Names

The Report Name determines the filename of the generated Report. This name can be a string, CM4D variables, or both. Using variables in the Report Name creates unique file names and helps to eliminate accidentally overwriting existing reports.

However, not all CM4D variables are valid for use as a Report Name. Variables that resolve dates, times, or Managed Document names are commonly used, but variables used in Report Names cannot be guaranteed to resolve.

The following are some common variables that can be used in Report Names:

·        ~date~ - resolves the date the report was generated.

·        ~doc,title~- resolves the name of the first managed document used in the managed report.

·        ~time~ - resolves the time the report was generated.

·        ~rout~ - resolves the label of the Routine that was used to generate the report.

·        ~job,date~ - resolves the date the report was triggered to print (Scheduler only).

·        ~job,samp~ - resolves the label of the sample that triggered the job to print (Scheduler only).

·        ~job,time~ - resolves the time the report was triggered to print (Scheduler only).