To access the properties of a picture annot, right click on the annot and select Properties from the context menu. Picture annot share common properties with all other CM4D annot types, such as position, datasource, leader, etc.
To assign an image file as the picture annot, enter the image file path in the Picture File field or browse to the file using the browse () button. Standard picture types may be easily imported onto a Sheet. Supported picture types are:
CM4D Variables may be used in either the image path or the image name when loading images within a Picture Annot. Depending on the standards you use to name images, you may be able to utilize variables in a way that would allow for specific images to display when specific data is loaded.
If your sample labels are the same as the part name you are loading, you can use ~sample~.jpg as your image name. Then when a sample is Activated in your document, the corresponding image would be displayed on the sheet as a Picture annot.
If you select the Embed Picture in Document check box, the picture file will be copied into the document and will be maintained within the document. If the picture is not embedded, the image path will remain as a live link each time the document is opened.
The Embed option cannot be used with variables in the path or image name.
Scale refers to the scale of the image relative to the original image size defined by the image file. The scale of the picture must be a positive number.
If you get the message, "Picture was migrated with incorrect scaling. Would you like to correct for this?", see the topic Migration Information for Classic.
Style refers to various visual traits of an annot.
See the topic Annot Style for more information on these properties.