Sift Rules

There are two levels at which Sift Rules can be assigned: DataSet and Document.

Sift Rule Variables

The current Sift Rules can be returned using the following variables:


- Returns "multiple" or "single"


- Returns the sift rule used for the report


- Returns the sift rule used from the multi-sift

Sift Rule Variables for DataSets

The variable, ~siftrule~, can be used to report various summary statistics on data in a DataSet that is associated with a particular Sift Rule.

~siftrule,[ ],boxhi~

~siftrule,[ ],boxlo~

~siftrule,[ ],hi~

~siftrule,[ ],lo~

~siftrule,[ ],iqr~

~siftrule,[ ],invalidcount~

~siftrule,[ ],lif~

~siftrule,[ ],uif~

~siftrule,[ ],lof~

~siftrule,[ ],uof~

~siftrule,[ ],q1~

~siftrule,[ ],q3~

~siftrule,[ ],mean~

~siftrule,[ ],median~

~siftrule,[ ],nospeccount~

~siftrule,[ ],nospeccount2~

~siftrule,[ ],outofspeccount~

~siftrule,[ ],outofspeccount2~

~siftrule,[ ],percentinvalid~

~siftrule,[ ],percentvalid~

~siftrule,[ ],range~

~siftrule,[ ],rowcount~

~siftrule,[ ],sum~

~siftrule,[ ],totalcount~

~siftrule,[ ],conformcount~

~siftrule,[ ],nonconformcount~

~siftrule,[ ],percentconform~

~siftrule,[ ],percentnonconform~


When the Sift Rule variable is used with two parameters, the calculation is done only for the Sift Rule that is specified by the first parameter. The second parameter is the statistic that will be calculated on the data included in the Sift Rule specified by the first parameter.

The first parameter can be specified using one of the following options:

Example using Number: ~siftrule,3,mean~

Example using Label: ~siftrule,Surf H/L,mean~