Query Control - Sticky Report

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The Sticky Reports tab of the Query Control dialog contains options related to loading and managing Sticky Reports.

Sticky Report

The dropdown menu will contain all Sticky Reports that are associated to the Routine that is loaded in the Query Control dialog.


Removes the selected Sticky Report from the database.

Validate on Load

When the Validate on Load check box is selected when you load a Sticky Report, the Report Tweak Analysis dialog will be opened as soon as the data is loaded from the database and each time the Sticky Report is refreshed.

·        TweakAdd - Adds an annotation for each row in the DataSet that does not have an annotation in the report. Annotation are added to the last sheet of the report. This function is the same as the Add ()button on the toolbar.

·        TweakClean - Removes any invalid, unresolved, or duplicate annotation. This function is the same as the Clean () button on the toolbar.

·        Fix - Exchanges any red highlighted rows (bad/unresolved features) for the suggested alternatives, highlighted green (valid features).