Sample Tab

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The Sample tab settings in Workcell are very similar to those for DataSmith Batch (i.e. File Spec, Timestamps, and Subfolders).

Translator Path

The translator path must point to the location of the translator file that will process the sample files. The *.4datasmith file can reside in any local folder; it does not have to live in the Workcell home folder.

Max Samples __

The maximum number of samples to keep loaded for the queries is the value Workcell uses as a target for the number of Samples to be displayed at a given time. This is not a hard limit, as the number of samples in a query may be more or less than the target, depending on the circumstances.

The following examples assume that all data coming into Workcell is for the same Routine for which the user has either a Static Query already set up for, or a Dynamic Query in the startup document:

File Spec

File Spec determines which files will be considered for processing in Workcell. Wildcard usage such as '*.*' are acceptable.

Timestamp Formation

The Timestamp Format determines where the timestamp will be placed within the filename:

·        Append to Extension - "filename.xml_dd-mm-yy_hh-mm-ss"

·        Prefix to Filename - "dd-mm-yy_hh-mm-ss_filename.xml"

·        Append to Filename - "filename_dd-mm-yy_hh-mm-ss.xml"

Subfolder Format

This determines if and where files will be placed at the end of their processing life-span. The current options are:

·        None - no subfolders will be created; all files will be in the Outbox

·        Day - each file processed in an entire day will be placed in that day's subfolder

·        Month - each file processed in an entire month will be placed in that month's subfolder