API - Image

QaImage is an object that represents a single document or routine 3D view image. All properties can be retrieved and set except for the Label property.

Image Methods

Parameter Type Description Remarks
DeleteImage(void) boolean Deletes the image represented by the QaImage object. Document images are removed from the document. Routine images are removed from the database. Image files are not deleted by this method since they may be used by multiple documents or routines. Management of image files is done using the Windows file system.
LoadImage(void) boolean Loads the image into a CM4D document so it can appear in a CM4D 3D View.  

Image Properties

Parameters Type Description Remarks
Layer short  Image Layer  
Child BSTR Image Child  
Descr BSTR Image Description  
Label BSTR Image Label (get only)  
OffsetX double Image Offset X  
OffsetY double Image Offset Y  
OffsetZ double Image Offset Z  
Path BSTR Image Filename Path  
Scale double Image Scale