API - Images

QaImages is a list object that provides access to a Document or Routine image list. It is obtainable from a QaDoc, QaRoutine, or QaDbDataSource object via the new method IQaImages* GetImages(void)” which returns an object representing the QaImages list. Any methods that return an image object may return no object if no object is available for the request.

Images Methods

Parameter Type Description Remarks
GetCount(void); LONG Returns the number of images in the list.  
GetFirstImage(void); IQaImage* Returns an image object that represents the first image in the list.  
GetImage(BSTR label_); IQaImage* Returns an image with the provided label.  The label of the image is always the filename title without the filename extension.
GetImageByPosition(LONG position_); IQaImage* Returns an image object that represents the image in the list at the position requested. The number One (1) represents the first image.
GetNextImage(void); IQaImage* Returns an image object that represents the next image in the list that follows the previous image obtained by any of the other “GetImage…” methods.  
NewImageForDocument(BSTR imagePath_); IQaImage* Creates a new document image for “imagePath_” and returns an image object that represents it. This method can used with any QaImages list.
NewImageForRoutine(BSTR routineKeyLabel_, BSTR imagePath_); IQaImage* Creates a new routine image for “routineKeyLabel_” and “imagePath_” and returns an image object that represents it. The “routineKeyLabel_” is a label that uniquely identifies a routine and includes the handedness and routine key filters. It will have the form: RoutineA ^ LH ^ keyA ^  keyB. This method can only be used with a QaImages list obtained from a QaRoutine or QaDbDataSource object. If the QaImages list was obtained from a QaRoutine object the “routineKeyLabel_” can be an empty string and the new image will be associated to the respective routine