Known Issues

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The following are minor known issues that you will want to be aware of. These issues will either be addressed in a subsequent patch release, or are part of an on-going investigation to develop a solution.


1.     Win8/Win10 Graphics Issues - when running ATS CM4D on computers with Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating systems, the 3D images in Views do not always display when viewed within one of the CM4D applications. This does not seem to effect printed reports.

CM4D Classic

2.     Deleting a Managed SheetSet from a Managed Document does not remove the SheetSet from Managed Reports in CM4D Web.

a.     Workaround: Before deleting a Managed SheetSet, unmanaged the SheetSet, save your Managed Document, then delete the SheetSet.

3.     With an axis view auto-oriented to the closest view, the closest view will not be found if it the view has the orient to view property set (even though the auto orient check box has been cleared).

4.     CM4D crashed during the save operation after changing the image path the first time.

5.     When using ReportTweak, the three of the five context menu options on the Views are disabled (grayed out).

6.     CM4D Data tree does not show proper colors for loaded data. The data is loaded in the second node even though it shows up red.

7.     When annotation are grouped, the Z-order is changed. For example, when a text annotation that is in front of a picture annot are grouped, the text annot is moved behind the picture annot.

8.     In charts, if a point meets an Out-of-Control/Tolerance condition, both the standard Series Marker and the Out-of-Control/Tolerance Markers are displayed at the same time.

9.     If you close the Tree Bar and Info Bar panes, the toolbars become disabled. Restarting Classic does not fix the issue, you must clear the CM4D Classic bar states in the Registry.

a.     Solution: use the -ResetState command line.

10.  Process Change Log Viewer issues:

a.     After clicking Print to File, clicking Modify results in a crash.

i.        Workaround: Make sure a log entry is selected from the list before clicking Modify.

b.     After entering a User Defined log, the entry does not appear in the list after doing a new search.

i.        Workaround: Close the Log Viewer and reopen it to see the new User Defined entry.

CM4D Interactive

11.  Creating a “Locate Routine” profile for a specific group does not always make the profile available for all members of that group.

12.  Annotation can be deleted from a Report even when not in a Sticky Report. If you select an annot in a Report so that it is highlighted pink, and use the Delete key - the annot is removed. This deletion is not permanent, however. To restore the deleted Annot, reload the Routine or change the Report type.


13.  DbArchiver is not archiving all Routine information. 


14.  DataSmith is not reading archived files properly; Archiver Restore translator requires updating.

15.  Creating a comment with a repeating or ordered characteristic creates infinite loop in DataSmith.