ATS CM4D Web v23 Help

Welcome to ATS CM4D Web Help. Below you will find several categories that will help you to find the information you need.

CM4D Web Overview

ATS CM4D Web is an internal web server application that allows users not trained in the use of CM4D to generate or view CM4D reports via a web interface. Users must have their Windows ID registered in the CM4D Site Database in order to access CM4D reports via the Web. Once logged in to the system, they can print from a list of available reports, or they can view or delete reports that they have previously printed. If the system is also running Scheduler reports, users can view and print the list of reports printed by Scheduled Jobs. Before a user generates a report, they can choose to first customize what Sample data is loaded in the report prior to printing. For example, the user can change the number of Samples that are loaded in the report, select a date range, or select specific samples, as well as limiting the number or type of Samples based on Sample Filter selections.

User-generated reports are stored in a folder dedicated to that single user, while Scheduler-generated reports will be available to all users in the system. The reports generated by Scheduler can only be viewed via the web interface, they cannot be customized or deleted by Web users. CM4D Web has a separate installer, but it interacts with and utilizes the CM4D Scheduler and CM4D Launcher services and applications on the host server to generate and print CM4D Reports.

Getting Started

Start CM4D Web

CM4D Web Interface

Select a Site and DataSource

Installation and Setup

CM4D Web Installation


Web User Requirements

To view and print reports from CM4D Web, you must have:

·        Windows User Domain Login - your user ID must be registered in the CM4D Site Database and assigned privileges (contact your CM4D Site Administrator if you have access issues)

·        Adobe Acrobat Reader - 9.x or higher (available from

·        Web Browser - all major browsers are compatible with CM4D Web (Chrome*, Firefox, Internet Explorer*, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Safari).

*Recommended browser

Administrator Requirements

To perform Administration tasks in CM4D Web, a user must have additional privileges assigned in the CM4D Site Database (via the Site Manager application).

·        Managed Document Admins - The Document Manager privilege allows a user to create, modify or delete Managed Reports that are accessible to all users in the Site database. See the topic Managed Report Administration.

·        EventSmith Subscription Admins - The Event Administrator and Event Manager privileges allow a user to manage EventSmith Subscriptions on behalf of all users in the Site database. See the topic EventSmith Subscription Administration.

User Topics

Administrator Topics



User Registration Administration

ATS CM4D Web Training

Web Reports


Creating Managed Reports Video

Scheduled Reports



EventSmith Subscriptions

EventSmith Subscription Administration


EventSmith Log



Managed Reports

Managed Report Administration


This help was generated on 14-Aug-19 at 16:22

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