EventSmith SMTP (Stand-Alone)


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About EventSmith SMTP

EventSmith SMTP is a stand-alone version of EventSmith that is an independent install and allows you to use an SMTP mail server with or without Authentication. The stand-alone EventSmith application is not version-specific, so it can be used with any version of CMC4D using SQL Server v21 or higher. Oracle is not supported by the stand-alone version of EventSmith, even in versions of CM4D that support Oracle.

The standard version of EventSmith that is installed with CM4D Server only uses an anonymous relay SMTP (without authentication). The two versions of EventSmith cannot be run simultaneously. If you are currently running the standard EventSmith, stop and disable the ATS CM4D EventSmith service before installing EventSmith SMTP.

The EventSmith SMTP installs two services that are separate from the EventSmith service included with the CM4D Server installation.

Site Database Connection

EventSmith SMTP must be installed on the same machine as CM4D (Server or Client) because EventSmith SMTP will check the Windows registry for the install location of the CM4D.4ds file and uses the settings in the 4ds file to connect to the database.

Install EventSmith SMTP

Install EventSmith SMTP on a machine that has a CM4D installation. If you are currently running the standard EventSmith installed with CM4D Server, stop and disable the ATS CM4D EventSmith service before installing EventSmith SMTP.

Following the installation, the mail server must be configured and the Data Connect and EventSmith SMTP service user must be set before the services can be started.

Run the Installer

1.     Run the EventSmith install executable (as Administrator).

2.     Click Next.

The first part of the installation will check to see if the machine has the required supporting software redistributables. If your machine already has the required versions of the files installed the installer will detect it and move on to the next steps without reinstalling the existing files.

3.     Click Next.

Install .NET Framework

4.     Agree to the terms and conditions, then click Install.

5.     Click Finish.

Install EventSmith

Once the prerequisites are installed, continue to the CM4D portion of the installation.

6.     Click Next.

7.     Agree to the terms and conditions, then click Next.

8.     The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\ATS CM4D EventSmith\.

a.     To change the install folder, click Browse.

b.     Select the new folder and click Select Folder.

9.     Click Next.

10.  Click Install.

11.  Once the installer completes, click Finish.

Once the installer completes successfully, continue to the mail server configuration and services setup.

Mail Server Configuration

The mail server configuration is done in Site Manager and saved in the Site database. In Site Manager, click File > Settings > EventSmith SMTP Settings. Enter the following information:

Site Database Table - EnterpriseProfileSetting

The EventSmith SMTP mail server settings are stored in the Enterprise Profile Setting table in the Site database.

Service Configuration Files

The stand-alone version installs two separate Windows services, but it does use the EventSmith interface in CM4D Web to subscribe users to Events. The two services that run EventSmith SMTP must be configured before you can start the services.

DataConnect Config File

The DataConnect config file (ATS.CM4D.DataConnect.Host.exe.config) contains the Host server and port information that connects the DataConnect service to the EventSmith service. This config file is included in the EventSmith SMTP installation folder. Default path:

Host Address (Required)

This section is to set the server name and port for the DataConnect service. The host information here must match the client endpoint information in the EventSmith configuration file. Set the following values in the <baseAddresses> section:

Configuration Example:

EventSmith SMTP Config File

The EventSmith SMTP config file (ATS.CM4D.EventSmith.SMTP.exe.config) contains the Host server and port information that connects the EventSmith service to the DataConnect service. It also contains some optional application and logging settings. This config file is included in the EventSmith SMTP installation folder. Default path:

App Settings

Set the following values in the <appSettings> section:

Client Address (required)

Set the following values in the <client> section:

Configuration Example:

Log Configuration

Set the following values in the <LogConfiguration> section:

Valid Values:

Configuration Example:

Setup and Start Services

Following the installation and mail server configuration, the Data Connect and EventSmith SMTP service user login must be set and then the services can be started.

DataConnect Service

The Data Connect service is the communication service to ATS data structures. For CM4D, it connects the mail server to CM4D-generated events.

Dependencies: none

User Requirements:

Startup Requirements:

Before starting the DataConnect service, the service log on user must be set.

1.     Open the Control Panel and access the Administrative Tools: Services.

2.     In the Services list, right click on "ATS CM4D DataConnect".

3.     Select Properties.

a.     Go to the Log On tab.

i.        Select 'This account'.

ii.      Enter the credentials of the CM4D Service user. This is usually the same Windows user that runs the other CM4D Services.

iii.    Click Apply.

b.     Go to the General tab.

i.        Start the service.

c.      Click OK.

EventSmith SMTP Service

The EventSmith SMTP service is the notification service that connects EventSmith to the mail server.

Dependencies: DataConnect Service

User Requirements:

Startup Requirements:

Before starting the EventSmith SMTP service, the service log on user must be set.

1.     Open the Control Panel and access the Administrative Tools: Services.

2.     In the Services list, right click on "ATS CM4D EventSmith SMTP".

3.     Select Properties.

a.     Go to the Log On tab.

i.        Select 'This account'.

ii.      Enter the credentials of the CM4D Service user. This is usually the same Windows user that runs the other CM4D Services.

iii.    Click Apply.

b.     Go to the General tab.

i.        Start the service.

c.      Click OK.

This completes the installation and configuration of the standalone EventSmith SMTP.

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