
The CM4D software suite relies on an embedded relational database to store the quality data. This external database can be either SQL Server or Oracle.

Supported Database Platforms

The following database platforms are supported for use with CM4D:

·        SQL Server 2014

·        SQL Server Express 2012

·        SQL Server 2008 R2

·        SQL Server Express 2008 R2 with Toolkit

·        SQL Server 2005

·        Oracle is deprecated and will not be supported as of v23.

CM4D Databases

Typically, a CM4D Enterprise installation utilizes two distinct database types:

·       CM4D Site Database

·       CM4D DataSource Database

CM4D Site Database

A CM4D Site Database is used primarily for the internal management of the CM4D Enterprise solution on a server. Some additional functions of the database include user management, user privilege management, CM4D Scheduler settings, and DataSource configurations. A common system configuration has one CM4D Site database per CM4D Enterprise installation.

A CM4D Site database may contain many CM4D databases. In some cases, those databases could contain many routines which share the same identifying information. For example, different databases could be created for different development phases of a product. These databases may all contain the same identifying information. How would DataSmith know to add data to the routine you intended it to? Adding another characteristic to your nominal file called Routine Code solves this problem.

CM4D DataSource Database

A CM4D DataSource Database is used to store the actual measurement data and routines. Your company can implement as many CM4D DataSource Databases as you like, and may be used to provide a logical separation of data activities. For instance, your company may deploy a distinct CM4D DataSource Database for each product, model year, manufacturing facility, etc. How you utilize these databases, however, is 100% customizable.

Managed CM4D DataSource

A Managed DataSource is a CM4D DataSource Database that is administrated at an enterprise level by a CM4D Site Database.

Unmanaged DataSource

An Unmanaged DataSource is a CM4D DataSource Database that is not controlled by a Managed DataSource.

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