The QaReportChoice object represents a Report Choice entry in the CM4D Site Database. Each Report Choice is associated to one Managed Document and can be loaded when a Managed Document is loaded. Report Choices are created from Sheet entries in a CM4D Document and get updated when a CM4D Document is saved. CM4D Documents can be created, opened, managed, unmanaged, and saved via the QaDoc API object.

Report Choice Properties

Parameter Type Description Remarks
ID; BSTR  Report Choice Unique Identifier                  Get-only
ManagedDocumentID; BSTR  Report Choice Managed Document Unique Identifier Get-only
ReportLabel; BSTR  Report Choice Report Label        Get-only
ReportSequence; LONG  Report Choice Report Sequence     Get-only
SheetLabel; BSTR  Report Choice Sheet Label         Get-only
SheetSetLabel; BSTR  Report Choice Sheet Set Label     Get-only