CM4D Variables

CM4D variables are used with CM4D annotation to access and display specific document and database information. Each CM4D variable is delimited by a starting and ending tilde character (e.g. ~label~). Most variables are not case sensitive. An annotation which contains a variable must have a DataSource defined in its properties, or it will not display database information. If a variable does not resolve, errors will be displayed as defined in the Annot Error Handling section of the Document Defaults dialog.

Variables often have parameters that are combined with the variable to display different information. Parameters are added to variables and separated by commas (e.g. ~annot,type~).

Variable Characteristics

Variable Parameters

Variable Symbols

Variables (in Alphabetical Order)



Value of actual for the characteristic specified in the query.


Returns the label of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.


Returns the comment of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned. See also ~cause,comment~.


Returns the label and the description of the assigned cause, if a cause has been assigned.


Can return one of the following strings:

  • Active - Loaded from database, displayed and used in statistical calculations.

  • Masked - Loaded from database and displayed, but not used in statistical calculations.

  • Missing - No data exists.

  • Hidden - Data exists, but is not loaded from database.

  • Archived - Not loaded from database and will be archived.






Type of results data for the specified characteristic (Actual or Deviation).




Raw value of results data for the specified characteristic.


Alias label of a feature.


If the feature does not have an alias, the feature label is displayed.


Returns the Alias 1 label of a feature, if one exists.


Returns the Alias 2 label of a feature, if one exists


Returns the Alias 3 label of a feature, if one exists


Returns the Alias 4 label of a feature, if one exists


Returns one of the following strings:

  • Aligned - Alignment was successful.

  • Failed Align - Alignment failed.

  • Not Aligned - Alignment has not been turned on or has not been requested.

  • No Subroutine - Alignment can't be applied because alignment requires a subroutine.


Returns the label of the subroutine being aligned.


Same as ~align,rout~.


Returns the handedness of the routine being aligned.


Returns the routine label plus the routine key filters. This variable can be used as a unique identifier for subroutines.


The state of the alignment mode for a Subroutine. Will return one of the following: Aligned, NOT Aligned, or FAILED Align. Using the state parameter with the align variable allows users to replace the strings Aligned, Failed Align, Not Aligned and No Subroutine with text that they choose.

NOTE: If the variable ~align,state,Yes,No,N/A,Error~ was used, the values Yes, No, N/A and Error would be used in place of the standard value strings.


The state of the alignment mode for a Sample. Will return one of the following: Aligned, NOT Aligned, or FAILED Align.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A2 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the label of the Feature designated for the C1 characteristic.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the A Datum.

~align,a2, featchr~

Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the a2 datum.


Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the a3 datum.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the B Datum.


Returns the characteristic (X, Y or Z) of the b2 datum.


Returns the axis specified (characteristic) for the C Datum.


Returns the offset specified for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the offset specified for the A2 characteristic.


Returns the offset specified for the A3 characteristic.


Returns the offset specified for the B1 characteristic.


Returns the offset specified for the B2 characteristic.


Returns the offset specified for the C1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the Feature designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


Returns the handedness of the DataSource designated for the A1 characteristic.


If the characteristic is used in an Alignment, then will return the offset specified for the characteristic: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1. If the characteristic is not part of an alignment, nothing will be returned.


If the characteristic is used in an Alignment, then will return the datum specified for the characteristic: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1. If the characteristic is not part of an alignment, nothing will be returned.


The feature is used as a1 in the alignment.


The feature is used as a2 in the alignment.


The feature is used as a3 in the alignment.


The feature is used as b1 in the alignment.


The feature is used as b2 in the alignment.


The feature is used as c1 in the alignment.


If the feature is used in the alignment for the specified [characteristic], the variable returns the string "is". If the feature is not used in the alignment for the specified [characteristic], the variable returns the string "isnt".


Using the [yes] and [no] parameters with the ~align,isdatum~ variable allows you to replace the strings "is" and "isnt" with text that you choose.


Returns the label of the annotation.


Returns the label of the annotation.


Returns the type of annotation.


Returns the text from Resolve Errors.




Returns the axis direction, as defined by the primary direction label. Same as ~axdir,p~. The direction values may be customized in the Direction Labels section of the Document Defaults dialog.


Returns the axis direction of the specified characteristic.


Primary axis of SMI feature, or specified axis.


Returns the primary axis label.

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Highest value in DataSet row that is within the uif (Upper Inner Fence).


Lowest value in DataSet row that is within the lif (Lower Inner Fence).

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This variable is obsolete. Although a value may be returned if ~car~ is used, it will be inaccurate and unreliable. Use the variable ~dev~ to return deviation and deviation type.


Returns any cause that is assigned to an actual.


Returns the cause comment. See also ~act,cause,comment~.


Returns the cause description.


Returns the label of the feature.


Returns the cause label.


Returns whether the cause is masked or active sample.


Returns the label of the sample.


When ~cause,sample~ is used in a table (and there is more than one sample), the second sample label will be listed below the first sample label in the same cell:

See the topic Table Properties for more information on table expansion.


Returns the value of a cell in a DataSet. The ~cell~ variable requires a row to be specified in the DataSet, and must have an active sample.


Returns the sample which was resolved for the cell.


Will return the characteristic used in a DataSet row.


Returns the first a letter of the characteristic type.


Returns the Compare Precision number set on the Document Properties Defaults Tab.


Returns number of conforming values in a DataSet row.








Returns the number of valid values within a DataSet row. Same as ~validcount~.


Capability or potential of the process. A ratio of the specification width to the width of the normal distribution. Cp is normally calculated using an estimated standard deviation formula that uses either the mean of subgroup ranges or the mean of subgroup standard deviations with constant table values relative to the subgroup size.


Capability of process index relative to dispersion and centeredness. From the true process center (), Cpk indicates the closest specification limit (in terms of estimated standard deviation units/3).


Capability ratio. The reciprocal of Cp.


Capability of process index influenced by the difference between the sample mean and the nominal target value.


Returns the Correlation Coefficient, which measures the strength of the relationship between two variables. The variable ~cc~ is the same as ~rp~.
The variables ~cc~ and ~cctarget~ are used in the CM4D Normality tests to examine the relationship of a set of Sample data to the normally distributed model of the data. The ~cc~ value is compared to the ~cctarget~ value as one of the Normality checks CM4D performs. See here for more information on Normality in CM4D.


Returns the target value used to calculate the Correlation Coefficient. A ~cc~ value below the target is considered an indication that the data is NOT normally distributed.

The ~cctarget~ is based on Sample size shown below:

Sample Size


<= 20


<= 25


<= 30


<= 40


<= 50


<= 60


> 60


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Returns n/a, normal, or abnormal. This returns the result of the D'Agostino Pearson Omnibus test for Normality.


Returns the label of the DataSet.


Returns the box highest value for the entire DataSet.


Returns the box lowest value for the entire DataSet.


Returns the number of conforming values in a DataSet.


Returns the Cp, Cpk, or Cr value of the data in the DataSet. There are two limitations to calculating Cpk on a DataSet:

  1. All cells in the DataSet must have a Tolerance, and the Tolerance must be the same for all cells in the DataSet.

  2. Subgroups will not be applied when using the Cpk parameter.

NOTE: Without Subgroups, Cp, Cpk, and Cr will be the same as Pp, Ppk, and Pr, respectively.




Returns the high value for the entire DataSet.


Returns the number of invalid values in an entire DataSet.


Returns the inter quartile range for the entire DataSet.


Returns the lower inner fence value for the entire DataSet.

~dataset,lo~ Returns the lo value of the entire DataSet.


Returns the lower outer fence value for an entire DataSet.

~dataset,lowerlimit~ Returns the lower limit for the entire DataSet.


Returns the mean value for the entire DataSet.


Returns the median value for the entire DataSet.


Returns number of nonconforming values in a DataSet


Returns the number of valid values in an entire DataSet that do not have a spec limit.


Returns the number of valid values in an entire DataSet that do not have a spec limit 2.


Returns the number of valid values in a DataSet that are out of spec.


Returns the number of valid values in a DataSet that are out of spec2.


Returns percent of conforming values in a DataSet.


Returns percent of nonconforming values in a DataSet.


Returns the percent of invalid values in an entire DataSet.


Returns the percent of valid values in an entire DataSet.


Returns the Pp value of the DataSet.


Returns the Ppk value of the DataSet.


Returns the Pr value of the DataSet.


Returns the quartile one value for an entire DataSet.


Returns the quartile one value for an entire DataSet.


Returns the range value for the entire DataSet.


See the topic, DataSet Range of Variation.




Returns the number of rows in the DataSet. See also, ~rows~.


Returns the Standard Deviation of the DataSet.


Returns the value of the sum of an entire DataSet.


Returns the number of values in an entire DataSet.


Returns the upper inner fence value for the entire DataSet.


Returns the upper outer fence value for an entire DataSet.




Returns Collecting Data or Not Collecting Data. The ~datastate~ variable returns "Collecting Data" if a DataSet is in Collecting Data mode, or "Not Collecting Data" if the DataSet is in any mode other than collecting data.


Returns the current date using the current regional format. Formatting options below are case sensitive, may be combined, and may be applied also to the variable ~samp,date~.

  • If the date was March 14, 2002, ~date,%d-%b-%Y~ would resolve to "14-MAR-2002".
    If the time were 08:12:59, ~date,%M past %H~ would resolve to "12 past 08".


See the [Parameters] above for a complete list of available date parameters.




Returns the deviation value based on the query setting.


Returns the deviation value of the specified characteristic, based on the query setting.


Returns the deviation type, Vec or Car, based on the query setting.


Returns n/a, normal, or abnormal. This is based on the Normal Distribution Correlation Coefficient (~cc~). If the value of ~cc~ is less than the target (~cctarget~), then ~distribution~ will return abnormal. If the value of ~cc~ is greater than or equal to ~cctarget~, then ~distribution~ will return normal. If ~cc~ does not resolve, then ~distribution~ will return n/a.


Returns information related to the CM4D document.


Returns the saved name of the document, excluding the file extension.


Returns the saved name of the document, including the file extension.


Returns the entire folder path of document, excluding the filename.

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Returns the value of the error (the amount out of  tolerance). Always an absolute value.


Returns the amount of error of a value compared to tolerance 2.


Returns the amount of error of a value compared to reasonable limits.


Returns the number of events for Trigger 1.


Returns the number of events for Trigger 2.


Returns the number of events that triggered for both Trigger 1 and 2.

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Returns the label of the feature.


Returns the value of the alias of the feature.


Returns the value of the alias 1 of the feature.


Returns the value of the alias 2 of the feature.


Returns the value of the alias 3 of the feature.


Returns the value of the alias 4 of the feature.


Returns the description of the feature.


Returns the filter label (A-Z, or label of filters if defined in database).

  • For example, ~filter,a~ would return the value of feature filter A.


Returns the label of the feature.


Resolves the number of reference features associated to the feature.


Returns the sequence of the feature.


Returns the source routine of the feature.


Returns the source routine key of the feature.


Returns the implied SMI Type, which is used by the Sift Rules.


Returns the label of the first reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias of the first reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 1 of the first reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 2 of the first reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 3 of the first reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 4 of the first reference feature.


Returns the description of the first reference feature.


Returns the filter label (A-Z, or label of filters if defined in database) of the first reference feature.


Returns the label of the first reference feature.


Returns the sequence of the first reference feature.


Returns the source routine of the first reference feature.


Returns the source routine key of the first reference feature.


Returns the type of the reference first feature.


Returns the label of the second reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias of the second reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 1 of the second reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 2 of the second reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 3 of the second reference feature.


Returns the value of the alias 4 of the second reference feature.


Returns the description of the second reference feature.


Returns the filter label (A-Z, or label of filters if defined in database) of the second reference feature.


Returns the label of the second reference feature.


Returns the sequence of the second reference feature.


Returns the source routine of the second reference feature.


Returns the source routine key of the second reference feature.


Returns the type of the reference second feature.


Same as ~feat~.

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Requires a DataStack as the DataSource. Grade looks at every cell of the entire DataStack and checks to see if the values are within Spec Limits. The ~grade~ variables are very similar to the ~tally~ variables.


Returns the number of valid values in tolerance. This variable must use a DataStack as its DataSource, and the DataStack must have limits.


Returns the total number of valid values. This variable must use a DataStack as its DataSource, and the DataStack must have limits.


Returns the percent of valid values in tolerance (count divided by total). Percent is rounded to nearest integer (no % sign).


Returns the type of a graph. The graph types are Trend, XBar-R, XBar-S, X-MR, MA-MR, Box_Whisker, Six Sigma, Pareto, Normality, Benchmark, Target, and Six Sigma Projection.

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Returns LEFT or RIGHT. The handedness is based on the value of the Y char. If Y is less than zero (negative), the handedness will be LEFT; if Y is more than zero (positive), the handedness will be RIGHT.


Returns just L or R.


Highest of valid values within a DataSet row

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Inter Quartile Range (q3-q1)


Number of invalid values in DataSet row. Invalid data is not nonconforming data and so will not be included in the ~validcount~ results.

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Returns the measure of flatness of a distribution

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Returns the label of feature.


Lower Inner Fence (q1 - 1.5 * iqr)


Lower Outer Fence (q1 – 3.0 * iqr)


Load information for the Query.


Returns the label of the query.


Returns the routine label of any routine in the query. If more than one routine exists in the query, the variable returns the routine labels of all the routines, separated by a space.


Returns the number of features loaded in a query.


Returns the filters that were selected and used by the loaded features.


Returns the number of Routine images loaded.


Returns the number of synchronized samples.


Returns the settings for the samples in the query.


Returns the setting of the order of the samples in the query.


Returns the total time it took to load the features, samples, and images.


Returns the total time it took to load the features.


Returns the total time it took to load the routine(s).


Returns the total time it took to load the samples.


Returns the total time it took to load the image.


Lower tolerance.


Lower tolerance 2.


Lower specification limit. The lower engineering limit specified for a measurement.


Lower specification limit 2. The lower engineering limit 2 specified for a measurement.


Lower reasonable limit.

NOTE: For more information about reasonable limits see the topic Reasonable Limits.


Lower reasonable tolerance.


Lower control limit. The lower control limit for control charts. Control limits are used with the distribution of averages not the distribution of individuals. Control limits are used in conjunction with process control charts to identify when assignable causes of variation are present. Control limits should not be confused with specification limits which are established for engineering specifications and are used with individual measurements to indicate process performance.




Lower Control Limit 2. The variable ~lcl2~ will return the value of the lcl 2 if one has been created. See ~lcl~.




Lower control limit for Xbar with Range




Lower control limit for  X with Moving Range




Lower control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation




Lower control limit for Range




Lower control limit for Standard Deviation




Lower control limit for Moving Range




Lower control limit for Moving Average




Lowest of valid values within a DataSet row


The ~limittype~ variable determines whether a control chart is using Trial Control Limits or Process Control Limits (e.g. "Trial XBar-R" or "Control XBar-R").

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Average of valid values within a DataSet row


Mean range of subgroup ranges within a DataSet row


Mean standard deviation of subgroup standard deviations within a DataSet row


Mean moving range of subgroup moving ranges within a DataSet row


Mean moving average of subgroup moving averages within a DataSet row


Grand average of subgroup averages within a DataSet row

This is the same as ~mean~, unless some subgroups were found to be invalid because they had invalid or missing sample values. Subgroups with invalid values are removed from statistical calculations since their subgroup size is affected.


Middle value of DataSet row.


Returns 1 or 0, indicating whether or not the Miniball is valid. The variable ~miniball,valid~ may also be used to return the same result.


Returns the number of masked data points.


Returns the diameter of the Miniball.


Returns number of points that are Out of Miniball Limit.


Returns the percentage of out of limit points for Miniball {m-out#/pnt#}.


Returns the radius of the Miniball.


Returns the tolerance of the Miniball.


Returns the diametrical tolerance of the Miniball.


Returns the number of points included in the Miniball calculation.


Returns the Reference Feature used in the Constructed Feature.


Returns the Description (if available) of the Reference Feature.


Returns the Polar value of the Reference Feature used in the Constructed Feature.


Returns the Nominal X value of the Reference Feature.


Returns the Nominal Y value of the Reference Feature.


Returns the Nominal Z value of the Reference Feature.


Returns the number of features referenced by the constructed Polar feature.


Returns one of the five states of the Miniball calculation for a single feature.

  • Masked - the feature is masked

  • Conform - the feature is within the Miniball tolerance

  • Zero! - the feature is out of Miniball tolerance

  • Mini! - this status does not yet apply

  • Both! - this status does not yet apply


Returns the horizontal offset of the Miniball. The variable ~miniball,x-off~ may also be used to return the same result.


Returns the vertical offset of the Miniball. The variable ~miniball,y-off~ may also be used to return the same result.


Returns the diameter of the Zeroball.


Returns the number of points that are Out of Zeroball Limit.


Returns the percentage of out of limit points for Zeroball {z-out#/pnt#}.


Returns the radius of the Zeroball, from center zero.


Returns the tolerance of the Zeroball.


Returns the diametrical tolerance of the Zeroball.


Returns the measurement system analysis of a DataSet row. Same as ~msa,mvpt~ for legacy support.


Study Tolerance


Program Factor = 5.15 or 6.0


Number of Operators used in study


Number of Trials per operator used in study


Number of Parts used in study


Equipment Variation


Operator Variation


Repeatability & Reproducibility


Part Variation


Total Variation


Measurement Variation = PF * ~stddev~ (with setup) or ~stddev,e~ (without setup)  


Measurement Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Equipment Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Equipment Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Operator Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Operator Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Repeatability/Reproducibility as a percent of Total Variation


Repeatability/Reproducibility as a percent of Tolerance


Part Variation as a percent of Total Variation


Part Variation as a percent of Tolerance


Update Date


Study Date


Target Minimum


Target Maximum


Study Type (With Setup, Without Setup, User Defined)


Effective Date


Status (Passed-Green [< = MSA TargetMin], May be acceptable-Yellow [between TargetMin and TargetMax], Failed-Red [> = TargetMax], Not-Done)

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Returns the nominal value.


Value of nominal for specified characteristic.


Returns the value of the nominal filter. There are 26 filters available in the database, A-Z. Filters can also have labels, in addition to their alphabetical designations. If no label was assigned to the filter when it was created, a default filter label would have been created, using the word 'Filter', a space, then the letter designation of the filter.

  • If ~nom,filter,F~ were used, it would return the nominal value of the F filter.


Returns the value of the nominal filter. Filters can also have alphabetical designations, in addition to their labels. There are 26 filters available in the database, A-Z. All of these filters can also have filter labels.

  • If ~nom,filter,operator~ were used it would return the value of the filter labelled "Operator'".


Returns the effective date of the nominal characteristic.


Returns the effective date of the nominal characteristic, according to the parameters set. See the [Parameters] above for a complete list of available date parameters.


Returns the label of the nominal characteristic.


Returns the significance of a characteristic. The possible values which can be returned are: Unknown, Insignificant, Significant, Data Not Allowed or Alarmed.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that trigger the Event set on the DataSet.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that trigger Event 1.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that trigger Event 2.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that trigger both Event 1 and Event 2.


Number of valid values in a DataSet row that do not have a spec limit


Number of valid values in a DataSet row that do not have a spec limit 2.


Returns n/a, normal, or abnormal. If either ~distribution~ or ~dagostino~ returns normal, then ~normality~ will return normal. If neither ~distribution~ or ~dagostino~ returns normal, then ~normality~ will return either n/a or abnormal.

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This variable is obsolete. Although a value may be returned when ~off~ is used, it will be inaccurate and unreliable. Use the variable ~dev~ to return deviation and deviation type.


This variable is obsolete. Although a value may be returned when ~ord~ is used, it will be inaccurate and unreliable. Use the variable ~dev~ to return deviation and deviation type.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that are out of spec, or out of tolerance, regardless of the Event Trigger setting.


Returns the number of values in a DataSet row that are out of spec 2, or out of tolerance 2, regardless of the Event Trigger setting.

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Returns the page number of the current sheet (within a SheetSet). Same as ~sheets~.


Returns the number of sheets in the SheetSet, not including the title sheet.


Returns the sheet label. (This variable will not return a value when used on the title sheet.)


Returns the number pages in the SheetSet. Same as ~sheets~.


Percentage of valid values in DataSet row


Percentage of invalid values in DataSet row


Returns percent of conforming values in a DataSet row.








Returns percent of nonconforming values in a DataSet row.








Process performance index relative to dispersion. A ratio of the specification width to the width of the normal distribution. Pp is calculated using calculated or sample population standard deviation.


Process performance index relative to dispersion and centeredness. Ppk is calculated using calculated or sample population standard deviation.


Process performance ratio. The reciprocal of pp.


All process variables report values based on process control statistics for the most recent process baseline. A process variable will return values from the most recent process in the DataSet. If you wish your process variables to display data from a process other than the most recent process in the DataSet, you should create a new DataSet in which the process you want to display is the most recent process.


Capability or potential of the process baseline. The ratio of the specification width to the width of the normal distribution. Cp is normally calculated using an estimated standard deviation formula that uses either the mean of subgroup ranges or the mean of subgroup standard deviations with constant table values relative to the subgroup size.


Capability of the process baseline index relative to dispersion and centeredness. From the true process center (), Cpk indicates the closest specification limit (in terms of estimated standard deviation units/3).


Capability ratio using the process baseline. The reciprocal of Cp.


Capability of the process baseline index influenced by the difference between the sample mean and the nominal target value.


The process baseline performance index relative to dispersion. A ratio of the specification width to the width of the normal distribution. Pp is calculated using calculated or sample population standard deviation.


The process baseline performance index relative to dispersion and centeredness. Ppk is calculated using calculated or sample population standard deviation.


Returns the value of the nominal within the process baseline for a specified characteristic.


Returns the value of the relative nominal within the process baseline for a specified characteristic.


Returns the value of the absolute nominal within the process baseline for a specified characteristic.


Mean (average) of valid values within a data set row for the process baseline.


Calculated standard deviation of a row, for the process baseline.


Estimated standard deviation of a row, for the process baseline.


A measure of the spread of the data used in the denominator of the CPM calculation for the process baseline.


Returns the X Double Bar value.


Returns the R Bar value.


Returns the S Bar value.


Returns the MA Bar value.


Returns the MR Bar value.


Lower specification limit for the process baseline. The lower engineering limit specified for a measurement.


Upper specification limit for the process baseline. The upper engineering limit specified for a measurement.


Returns the subgroup size for the process baseline.


Returns the effective dates for the process baseline.


Returns the effective date of the process.

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Quartile 1 value, i.e., Lower Quartile


Quartile 2 value, i.e., Median


Quartile 3 value, i.e., Upper Quartile

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Range (highest - lowest) of valid values within a DataSet row


Returns the label of the routine. Same as ~routine~.


Returns the alias of the routine.


Returns the routine description.


Returns the routine code.


Returns the routine key.


Returns the handedness of the routine as:

  • RH

  • LH

  • BH

  • ?H


Returns the subgroup size of the routine.


Returns the subroutine label if the subroutine is active. If there is no active subroutine, the variable will be blank.


Returns the label of the routine node.


Returns the routine node's routine code.


Returns type of image which is associated with the routine:

  • Wire

  • 2D

  • 3D


Returns name of the image file associated with the routine.


Returns the maximum samples setting for the routine.


Returns the filter associated with the routine.


Returns the label of the routine. Same as ~rout~.


Returns number of the DataSet row.


Returns the active row number in a DataSet.


Returns a count of the number of active rows in a DataSet.


Returns the active row number from the map column in a DataSet when Multiple Sift Rules are being used.


Returns the total number of active rows from the map column in a DataSet when Multiple Sift Rules are being used.


Returns the number of rows in the DataSet.


Returns the label of the DataSet row.


Returns Relational Probability. This is the same as Correlation Coefficient.


Returns the default ROV Center value.


Returns the default ROV Spread value.


Returns the default ROV Target value.


Returns the default ROV Center value.


Returns the default ROV Spread value.


Returns the default ROV Target value.




The "rstat" variables calculate various statistics on the reference features of a Range feature. Range statistics are calculated per sample for all reference features.


Returns the number of Range features that are in the DataSet.


Returns the highest value in the range of deviations.


Returns the lowest value in the range of deviations.


Returns the mean value of the range of deviations.


Returns the standard deviation within the range of deviations.


Returns the Ppk value of the range of deviations.

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Returns the amount of unique dates in a row.


If the samples are ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'Yes'. If the samples are not ordered by date, this variable returns the value 'No'.


Returns the label of the current sample. This is the same as ~samp,label~. When a Sample [Parameter] is appended to any sample variables, the DataSet results will be overridden and the sample signified by the sample paramter will be returned.


Returns the archive date of the sample.


Returns the number of days after the creation date until the samples are archived.


Returns the archive type of the sample: Date, Days, or Never.


Returns the creation dates of the samples in a DataSet.


Returns the creation dates of the Sample in a format specified by the specified Date parameter(s).

  • For example, if the date was March 14, 2002, ~samp,date,% d-%b-%Y~ would resolve to "14-MAR-2002". If the time were 08:12:59, ~samp,date,% M past % H~ would resolve to "12 past 08".

See here for a complete list of parameters.


Returns the description of the sample.


Returns the effective date of the current sample.


Returns the value assigned to the sample filter associated with the sample. This variable replaced the obsolete variable, ~sample,filter,info~.


Returns the import date of the sample.


Returns the position of the sample as it exists in the Query.


Returns the sample label. This is the same as ~samp~ and is the default sample parameter.


Returns the number of the Sample’s position based on the order of Samples in the Query.


Returns the sequence number of the sample.


Returns the status of the sample:

  • Active - Loaded from database, displayed and used in statistical calculations.

  • Masked - Loaded from database and displayed, but not used in statistical calculations.

  • Missing - No data exists.

  • Hidden - Data exists, but is not loaded from database.

  • Archived - Not loaded from database and will be archived.


Returns the subgroup label.


Returns the sequence order within the subgroup.


Returns the sample type: Var, HVD, or Mix.


Returns the serial number of the sample.


Number of samples in a DataSet.


Returns the page number of the current sheet (within a SheetSet). Same as ~page~.


Returns the SheetSet label. The total number of sheets will not include the title sheet.


Builds a table of contents for the SheetSet.


Returns the number sheets in the SheetSet. Same as ~pages~.


Returns various summary statistics on data in a DataSet that is associated with a particular Sift Rule.


When a Sift Rule variable is used with two parameters, the calculation is done only for the Sift Rule that is specified by the first parameter. The second parameter is the statistic that will be calculated on the data included in the Sift Rule specified by the first parameter.


The first parameter can be specified using one of the following options:

  • Number of Sift Rule - the integer that indicates the position of Sift Rule in the list, as it appears in the Multiple Sift Rules dialog.
  • Label of Sift Rule - label of Sift Rule.

When the variable is used with the Evaluation/SiftRule Variable DataStack type, the first parameter is not used.


Box high value


Box low value


Number of conforming values








Highest value


Number of invalid values


Inter quartile range


Lower inner fence value


Lowest value


Lower outer fence value



Mean value


Median value


Number of nonconforming values


Number of valid values that do not have a specification limit


Number of valid values that do not have a specification limit 2.


Number of valid values that are out of specification.


Number of valid values that are out of specification 2.


Percentage of conforming values


Percentage of nonconforming values


Percentage of invalid values


Percentage of valid values








Quartile one value


Quartile three


Range value


Number of rows




Sum value


Number of values


Upper inner fence value


Upper outer fence value


Returns the name of the applied Statistics Rule:

  • ATS (Default)

  • Ford

  • Saab

  • Volvo Cars


Returns the calculated standard deviation of a DataSet row


Returns the standard deviation target


Returns the estimated standard deviation


Mean plus (the standard deviation time three).


Mean minus (the standard deviation time three).


Standard deviation of a row times six.


Returns the subgroup size.


Sum (accumulation) of all valid values within a DataSet row






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Requires a DataStack as the DataSource. Tally looks at every cell of every DataSet in a DataStack and checks to see if the values are within Spec Limits. The ~tally~ variables are very similar to the ~grade~ variables.

  • The tally variables are limited in their functionality, as they cannot calculate certain limits (e.g. cannot be used with Spec Limit 2). Because of such limitations, the following equivalents are the preferred variables to use:
        In place of ~tally,total~, use ~dataset,validcount~.
        In place of ~tally,count~, use ~dataset,outofspeccount~.


Returns the number of cells of the DataSets that are within Spec Limits.


Returns the total number of valid cells in the DataSets.


Returns the percent of valid values in the DataSets (count divided by total). Percent is rounded to nearest integer (no % sign).


Returns the nominal value adjusted for value type (i.e. is 0 for deviation). This value is usually between spec limits, but may not be as in the case of unilateral or odd limits such as +1 to -2.


Used to perform calculations on a single cell.

  • If used in a table {~this~*2} would multiply the value of a cell by two, and display that value in the cell.

  • See the topic Expression Evaluator for more information on expressions.


Returns the transform type used in the statistics, No Transform, Square of X Transform, Square-root of X Transform, -1 / Square-root of X Transform, Cube of X Transform, Log of X Transform, -1 * X Transform, or -1 / X Transform.


Returns the current time. Additional Date/Time parameters may be added to this variable to specify specific information to display, or some particular format. See here for a complete list of parameters.


Number of values in DataSet row (i.e., the sum of conform, non-conform, and non valid)




Returns the true position value. Requires a point with a vector as the true position plane will be determined by the primary direction of vector.


Returns the true position radius.


Returns the true position angle.

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Upper Inner Fence (q3 + 1.5 * iqr)


Upper Outer Fence (q3 + 3.0 * iqr)


Returns the value of the User One user-defined row variable.


Returns the value of the User Two user-defined row variable.


Returns the value of the User Three user-defined row variable.


Returns the value of the User Four user-defined row variable.


Returns the value of the User One user-defined row variable as a formatted string.


Returns the value of the User Two user-defined row variable as a formatted string.


Returns the value of the User Three user-defined row variable as a formatted string.


Returns the value of the User Four user-defined row variable as a formatted string.


Upper specification limit. The upper engineering limit specified for a measurement. The variable ~usl2~ will return the value of the usl 2 if one has been created.


Upper specification limit 2. See ~usl~.


Upper tolerance.


Upper tolerance 2.


Upper reasonable limit.


Upper reasonable tolerance.


Upper control limit. The upper control limit for control charts. See the description of ~lcl~ for more details on control limits.




Upper control limit 2. See ~ucl~.




Upper control limit for Xbar with Range




Upper control limit for X with Moving Range




Upper control limit for Xbar with Standard Deviation




Upper control limit for Range




Upper control limit for Standard Deviation




Upper control limit for Moving Range




Upper control limit for Moving Average



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Returns the version of CM4D currently being run.


Returns the version of CM4D the document has been last saved in.


Number of valid values in DataSet row (i.e., the sum of conform and non-conform)





Returns the variance value of a DataSet row. In a population of samples, the variance value is the mean of the squares of the difference between the respective samples and their mean. Basically, it is the measure of the spread of data, or the standard deviation, squared




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