Annot Properties - DataSource Tab

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The DataSource tab within the Annot Properties dialog box is very similar to the DataSet Properties DataSource Tab, and is used to link specific Feature and Sample data to an Annotation. An Annotation can use data from the specified routine, features and samples, or from a selected DataSet.

Click on the image below for more information on the various regions of the Annot Properties DataSource Tab.


The Query section allows you to select which query you want to pull data out of.

·        Active- The currently active query will be used.

·        Query- Select the Query you want to use from the menu. Queries will appear in the menu in the order they were loaded.


If a DataSet is not selected then you should select a specific feature or group of features.

·        Select a feature by label from the Feature list.

·        Select a feature set from the Set list.

·        Select a specific feature. With this option you can also select a feature by position number within a routine. Do this by checking Use Feature # and selecting the desired position number.


See the DataSet Properties DataSource Tab topic.


See the topic DataSet Properties DataSource Tab.


DataStacks are a method of combining DataSets to perform various calculations. DataStacks, once created, are used by CM4D in much the same way as DataSets.

Effective Dates

See the topic, Effective Dates.