Text Annotation

Text annotation allow you to place static or dynamic text on a sheet. Static text is any words or characters you type into the text that will not change unless you edit the text annotation. Dynamic text is enclosed by starting and ending tilde characters to form a CM4D variable such as "~label~". See CM4D Variables. Text annotation are created with the Sheet Toolbar, Text Tool image\CM4D0031_wmf.gif button.


Deleting Text

Select the Annotation and press the delete key or right click within the Annotation’s box and select the menu, Delete option. Multiple annotation can be selected for deletion by holding the shift key and clicking the left mouse button on each Annotation that you wish to delete. Then press the delete key.

Editing Text

Double click within the annotation box to edit the text directly on the sheet. While editing, the Annotation will have a blue border around its box. Clicking outside of this border will end the edit.