Image Layers

Image Layers may be assigned to individual DataSource images so that multiple images may be assigned to a single routine while still allowing views to use individual images. Image Layer is simply another property of an Image in CM4D, whether it is a Routine Image or a Document Image.

Routine Image Properties

Document Image Properties

DataSource Image Layers

DataSource Image layers allow you to add multiple images to either a routine as routine images, or to a document as document images, and then filter which images you want displayed in different View annot throughout a document. Each image in CM4D has a layer, which is zero by default. Any layer number, from 0-99, can be assigned to them either when added to the Database (via DataSmith), or to a Routine (via CM4D or DataUtility), or to a Document (via CM4D).

Image Filters

Image Filters may be applied to the Description property of a DataSource image in order to select View images based on Filters. Filters may be any character or number, and the asterisk [*] and underscore [_] characters may be used as wildcards. Multiple filters must be separated by a semicolon [;]. Standard image extensions, such as .jpg or .wrl, will not be considered when CM4D searches for filter matches.

View with all Image Layers

View Annot Properties with filter "*LH" entered in the Image Filter field

View with Image Filters applied