With the Align Toolbar, you can organize and arrange groups of annotation in the document region.
After selecting annotation to align, choose one of the following buttons from the align toolbar:
Aligned Left
Aligned Bottom
The annotation are not aligned TO the axis, they move along the axis as their centers are aligned.
The space command tool allows you to organize and evenly space groups of annotation. Access this command from the User Interface and select Annotation from the menu bar.
After selecting annotation to align, choose one of the following techniques for spacing:
· Vertical - annotation are evenly spaced vertically
· Horizontal - annotation are evenly spaced horizontally
When accomplishing this task, all annotation selected will take on the height and/or width of the annotation selected last.
After selecting all of the annotation you want the same size (see Selecting annotation for help on selecting more than one annotation at a time), right click on the selected annotation and select Size from the menu. Sizing is based on the last selected annotation.
Select one of the following:
Same Size - Makes both the height and width of all selected annotation the same.
Same Width - Makes the width of the selected annotation the same.
Same Height - Makes the height of the selected annotation the same.
The mirror tools allow you to mirror the position of two or more annotation.
Before Horizontal Mirror |
After Horizontal Mirror |
Before Vertical Mirror |
After Vertical Mirror |
The align options can also be accessed by right clicking on the annotation and selecting Align from the menu.