Nominals Tab

All of the settings on the Nominal tab are optional. If the fields on this tab are left blank on startup, Workcell will assume that you do not want to use nominals. If a string does exist in one of those fields, Workcell will assume that you do want to use nominals and an error will appear if the folder paths are invalid prior to running Workcell. The Translator Path should point to the location of your nominal .4jr file, and the Nominal Folder path should point to where your nominal data files live.

·        Allow Creation of Features- If a sample file contains a feature that does not exist in the database, Workcell will create that new feature in the database. Keep in mind, however, that you must have user privileges that allow for feature creation, or this option will not function.

·        Allow Deletion of Features- If a feature does not exist in a nominal file, but does exist in the database, Workcell will delete the extra feature from the database. For example, if there are three features in the database, but only two of those three features exist in the nominal file, then the third feature in the database will be permanently deleted.