Expression Evaluator

Braces {} invoke the expression evaluator. Anything between the braces is treated as an algebraic equation.

·        Can use numbers or CM4D variables

·        Parentheses supported

·        Algebraic rules of order are applied:

(1)  Functions

(2)  Parentheses

(3)  Multiply and divide

(4)  Addition and subtraction

·        Adding the carat ^ before a variable which is enclosed in braces will add the direction of the value of the variable. You can use the carat with any variable which displays values.

·        Functions available:

§        exp

§        abs

§        log

§        pi

§        sqrt

§        acosdeg

§        asindeg

§        atandeg

§        atan2deg

§        cosdeg

§        coshdeg

§        sindeg

§        sinhdeg

§        tandeg

§        tanhdeg

§        acosrad

§        asinrad

§        atanrad

§        atan2rad

§        cosrad

§        coshrad

§        sinrad

§        sinhrad

§        tanrad

§        tanhrad

§        integer

§        round

§        truncate