Fixed Bugs in v24

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. Version 24.1 [24.1.20309]

See here for new features.

Version 24.1


Issue Summary


CM4D Classic

Reports Printed without CAD Image

Views using the Auto Orient function look fine when the template is opened in Classic, but the CAD models disappear when printed to PDF.

Vector Direction in Variables

The # sign at the beginning of a variable expression does not resolve the direction of the vector. For example, {#~mean~} should resolve as something like “Mean = 0.51 F”.


Case Sensitivity for ‘Must’ Instruction

The instruction ‘Must’ be/not be ‘String’ does not apply the case sensitivity instruction properly. Some instruction combinations ignore when it should not, and vice versa.


DBMigrator Fails on Non-English Windows OS

An exception occurs when running DBMigrator on a non-English operating system.


Prints Reports with Empty Views

Views using the Auto Orient ‘Zoom to Image’ function print in Scheduler with empty views.

Site Manager

Duplicate Users

Multiple instances of users with the same information can be created/saved.

Export Users List

The .xlsx file generated with the ‘Export Users’ function only includes the first user without a group assigned, and skips any subsequent users that are not part of a group.

Export Users Inconsistency

The Export function on the Users tab and the File > Export > Export User List function result in files with different lists. The former includes users without an assigned group while the latter does not.

CM4D Version Format Reference

*Current year (two-digits) and the number of days from the start of the year.

Major version

Patch version

Julian Date*

Build Number





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