New Features in CM4D Web v22

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. v22.101.0.900
    1. Migration to v22
    2. Password Migrator
    3. Support of Unicode Characters in Data and Reports
    4. Requirement for eDocPrinter Upgrade


Migration to v22

If you are upgrading to v22 from an earlier version, you will need to follow some steps to get your database and documents compatible with v22. Please review the “v22 Migration Guide” before upgrading your installation of CM4D.

Password Migrator

You will need to migrate your database passwords for any existing Site databases. The v22 installation includes a small password migrator application that converts Site database passwords from ANSI strings to Unicode strings. You will need to run this on all CM4D.4ds files that you have connected to Site databases that have been upgraded to v22. This migration is only done once, and only after the database has been updated to Schema 22. It is recommended that you create a backup of all databases and CM4D.4ds files before running the migration. Do not run this password migration on new v22 databases.

Oracle Databases - Unicode Character Set

All Oracle databases are required to have the Unicode (AL32UTF8) Character Set. If your Oracle databases are already configured with the Unicode Character Set, or you are using SQL Server, then the Character Set Migration is not required. If you are currently using an Oracle database that is configured using the Default Character Set and do not want to create new databases, you will need to perform the Character Set Migration outlined in the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide:

Support of Unicode Characters in Data and Reports

ATS CM4D applications allow data with Unicode characters* and can display it in reports.

DataSmith Translators, Data Files

Routine/Feature/Sample Names and Properties

CM4D Reports, Resolved Variables

Database Names, Filters

Document and Report Names**

*Please note that only Left-to-Right languages are supported.
**See the section “Requirement for eDocPDF Printer Upgrade”.

Requirement for eDocPrinter Upgrade

CM4D v22 requires eDocPrinter PDF Pro Version 6.98 Build 6405. The update to eDoc is specifically for additional Unicode support, so if you do not upgrade to this version of eDoc your PDF reports may not print correctly.

If you have an eDocPrinter license, the upgrade should be available to you at no additional cost. If you do not have an eDocPrinter license, ATS can arrange the purchase of the correct version.


32bit Windows

64bit Windows

MSI in EXE wrapper for both 32bit & 64bit Windows

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