Style Properties - Base Tab

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  1. Style Label
  2. Base Style

The Base tab allows you to use any existing Document Styles as a basis for editing the style of a selected annot. Use the Base tab to associate the edited style to a base style. All styles except the Base "!Default" style will have an associated base style. The base style selected will be basis for the edited style’s Pen, Brush, Border, and Font properties.

Style Label Base Style

Style Label

Enter the label for the Style. If the Style that you are editing is not a Document Style, this field will be blank and uneditable.

Base Style

Select an existing Style from the dropdown. This property is the label of the base style the edited style is associated to. You select the base style for the edited style from the base style list. You must select or enter the label of an existing base style or the last valid selection will be used. Several base styles are provided as defaults. You can edit these base styles, but you can not delete them. All new annotation or drawing items have default base style. Modifying a base style will potentially affect all parts of a CM4D document that use it. Therefore, base styles are a useful tool for achieving a uniform or standard appearance in your documents. You can create new base styles or edit existing base styles from the Document Styles Tab.

You can override style properties to specify properties other than the base style’s property. Overridden properties are not affected by changes to the style's base style. Therefore, if you want a change to affect the whole document, it is simpler to edit the associated base style versus making identical changes to many different styles.

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