Style Properties - Format Tab

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  1. Decimal Places
  2. Signed
  3. Field
    1. Lead Character
    2. Width

The Format tab controls the formatting of any numerical text appearing within the annot or sub-annot (such as a chart axis, table cell, etc.).

Decimal Places

Sets the decimal places allowed to be displayed within the selected annot. All available decimal place settings (0-9) are listed in the dropdown. Setting a decimal place here will override the Document Defaults Decimal Places Display setting for the selected annotation.

Decimal Places = 4


Sets whether or not the plus (+) sign is displayed in front of all positive integers within the selected annot. Negative integers always show the minus (-) sign.

Signed = Yes


This setting is very useful for lining up columns of numbers.

Lead Character

Sets the lead character within the selected annot. All available options are listed in the drop down. If this is set to None, the Field Width is disabled.


Disabled when Lead Character is set to None.

Set the maximum number of integers that will be displayed within the field of a selected annot. All available widths (1-20) are listed in the drop down.

The value in a cell will always be shown completely (accounting for the set decimal places), regardless of the width set.

Plus/Minus signs and decimals are counted as an integer when calculating Field Width.

Decimal Places = 2 Field With =3 Field Width = 5 Field Width = 8
Lead Character = None N/A N/A N/A
Lead Character = Spaces 1.50 -0.75  1.50 -0.75     1.50    -0.75
Lead Character = Zeros 1.50 -0.75 01.50 -0.75 00001.50 -0000.75
Lead Character = Zeros Signed = Yes +1.50 -0.75 +1.50 -0.75 +0001.50 -0000.75


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