Assign Cause to Unreasonable

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  1. DataSet
  2. Current Applied Cause
  3. Cause List
  4. Assign a Cause to Unreasonable Data

The Assign Cause to Unreasonable dialog contains settings for assigning causes to data that exceeds the reasonable limits. When you assign a cause using this dialog, the cause will be assigned to all values in the DataSet which exceed your reasonable limits. For more information about causes, see the topic Assign Cause. For Information about reasonable limits see the topic Reasonable Limits.

Points which exceed the Reasonable Limits can be assigned a cause. When a cause is assigned to a value which exceeds the reasonable limits, it will always be masked. Data which has been masked will not be used in calculations.


Displays the label of the DataSet.

Current Applied Cause

If a cause has already been applied to data in the DataSet, the Label of the cause and its Description will be displayed.

The number of values in the DataSet which exceed the reasonable limits will be shown next to Values Beyond Reasonable Limits. The number of values in the DataSet which have been assigned reasonable limits will be shown next to Values With Reasonable Limits. For example, if no data was assigned reasonable limits, this number would be zero.

The number of values in the DataSet that have the current unreasonable cause assigned to them will be displayed next to With This Cause. The number of values in the DataSet which have a different cause assigned to them will be displayed next to With a Different Cause.

Clicking Remove will remove the current unreasonable cause from the DataSet. Selecting the check box next to All Causes Assigned to Unreasonable Values and clicking Remove will remove all of the unreasonable causes from the DataSet. If the Only Causes with matching comments check box is selected, then all cause with comments matching the cause currently selected will be removed from the DataSet.

Cause List

The Cause List displays all of the previously created causes and their descriptions. Clicking New will create a new cause. Clicking Edit will open the selected cause for editing. Clicking Delete will delete all occurrences of the cause. A cause will not be removed if it has been used in a process baseline. Causes are only used for descriptions in Process Baselines, and can not be used to mask data.

Assign a Cause to Unreasonable Data

Before attempting to assign a cause to unreasonable data, you must first create Reasonable Limits. For information on creating new causes, see the topic Assign Cause.

  1. In a chart that contains data which exceeds the Reasonable Limits, move the mouse pointer over the marker of one of the points. The pointer will switch from an arrow to a cross-hair ().
  2. With the plus sign cursor over the marker, right click and select Assign Cause to Unreasonable.
  3. In the Assign Cause to Unreasonable dialog, select a cause from the Cause List or create a new Cause.
  4. Click OK to apply the selected cause to all of the points in the DataSet that exceed the Reasonable Limits.

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