High Volume Data Processing

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  1. High Volume Data Processing and Associations

High Volume Data Processing can be used to put data in your database quicker. High Volume Data Processing is a considerably faster way to manage data in the database. It is faster because it restricts the way the data goes into the database, making it more compact.

While creating your DataSmith (.4jr) file, a small number of associations are permitted, in order to simplify and speed up data as it enters the database. Users of CM4D and CM4Di will not be aware of the difference between high volume data and data which had been entered into the database normally; but they will notice that high volume data will process faster.

High Volume Data Processing and Associations

The associations that can be used are any combination of X, Y and Z deviations or X, Y and Z actuals. Position deviation or position actual can be used. Some things to remember as you are creating your .4jr file are:

You cannot try to use X Deviation, Y Deviation and Position Actual. An error message will appear saying, "Config contains invalid associations for High Volume Data Processing."

The decision to use High Volume Data Processing should be made when a routine is created. If your measured (sample) data has already been going into a previously created routine, do not enable High Volume Data Processing. Enabling High Volume Data Processing in an already existing routine is not recommended. Once the new routine has been created and High Volume Data Processing has been turned on, disable it. This will create a circumstance where regularly processed data and High Volume Data will be mixed within a routine. It is acceptable however, to have routines that contain High Volume Data in the same database as routines which contain data which has been added normally.

To turn on High Volume Data Processing, double click the name of the Config in the Configurations tree. In the Modify Config dialog, check the box next to High Volume Data Processing. DataSmith will routinely check the configurations to see if High Volume Data Processing has been turned on.

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