Setup a Scheduler Job

In order for CM4D to generate events, you must setup a Scheduler Job with the appropriate settings. For more information on how to create Scheduler Jobs, see the CM4D Scheduler Manager Help Documentation.

Open CM4D Scheduler Manager

Set the following minimum parameters:

Category - Static

Enabled - Active

Managed Documents - Double click to open the Managed Documents selection dialog. Check the box(es) next to the Managed Documents that you set up to run your Events with.

Report Format - Event (this may also be set to Both)

Type - DataProcessed

If you want to use any other applicable job options, set those now.

To apply your settings, click Save and then Exit.

You are now ready to have generated Events sent through EventSmith.

If you do not want to use CM4D Scheduler Manager to generated events, you may use an API call in place of Scheduler. This is available via the QaDoc - processevents.

Go here to see how to subscribe to Events in CM4D Web.

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