Peruse Feature Marker Settings

The 3D Viewer Feature Marker Settings include options for Feature marker modes and resolutions. These options may effect the load-time performance for Feature markers.

To open the feature marker settings, click the   icon on the viewer toolbar. Set the Feature marker options for 3D viewer:

  • Mode - marker shape
  • Resolution - marker rendering quality
  • Scale - set a multiplier to the overall size of the marker
  • Use Auto Scale - automatically adjusts the feature marker to an optimal size for the model
Setting Description
Mode Select the shape of the feature markers appearing in the 3D Viewer:
  • Feature Specific - The marker appearance is determined by the feature type; each feature type has a unique, identifiable marker shape. See here for examples.
  • Sphere - A generic sphere marker is used for all feature types. Use this setting if you encounter performance issues in the 3D Viewer.
Resolution Select the quality of the feature markers:
  • High - Render the feature markers with the highest quality.
  • Low - Render the feature markers with a lower quality. Use this setting if you encounter performance issues in the 3D Viewer.
Scale Apply a multiplier to the overall size of the feature markers; default is 10. This option is included in the algorithm used by the auto scale.
Use Auto Scale Enable to allow CM4D to determine the optimal feature marker scale according to size of the model. This automatically adjusts overall marker size while still applying the set scale into the algorithm.

Modes and Resolutions

Below is a quick comparison between the Feature Marker Settings - Mode and Resolution.

Multiple Feature Type Markers

 Feature Specific [Multiple Feature Types]

Sphere [Multiple Feature Types]

Feature Specific Marker Resolution

 High Resolution [Feature Specific]

 Low Resolution [Feature Specific]

Sphere Marker Resolution

 High Resolution [Sphere]

 Low Resolution [Sphere]

Marker Auto Scale

 Auto Scale - ON

 Auto Scale - OFF

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