Peruse 3D Viewer Camera

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  1. Camera Tools
  2. Perspective vs. Orthographic

The Viewer Camera tools provide preset camera options to quickly move the model to a specific orientation based on 3D coordinates.

To change the rendering, open the display mode fly-out menu and select one of the nine options:

  • Isometric view
  • Orthographic
  • Perspective
  • Six primary views - Right, Left, Top, Bottom, Front, Back

Camera Tools

Name Icon Description
Iso View Isometric view orients the model so the angles between the XYZ axes are equal.
Orthographic Projection This projection displays the view in a fixed depth. The model does not scale X and Y coordinates depending on the Z coordinate so the direction of the projection is perpendicular to the camera target plane.
Perspective Projection This projection displays the view with depth. The model scales the X and Y coordinates depending on the Z coordinate (depth) so objects that are further away appear smaller on the screen.
Left View Orients the model to view the left side (ZX).
Right View Orients the model to view the right side (XZ).
Bottom View Orients the model to view the bottom (YX).
Front View Orients the model to view the front (ZY).
Back View Orients the model to view the back (YZ).
Top View Orients the model to view the top (XY).

Perspective vs. Orthographic

There are two ways to show the model in the 3D Viewer area:

  • Perspective - This type displays 3D images and depth relationships on the two-dimensional surface of the viewer area. In other words, images will appear to have vanishing points and depth within a View, representing a "natural" view of a 3D image.
  • Orthographic - This type has perpendicular lines and no converging points; may be preferred for technical purposes, such as use with displaying Alignment reports.


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