Configure the Scheduler Job Users

To add a Job User to the Site Database (even if the user does not have a Windows ID):

Open Site Manager.

Create a User.

Assign the user to a group which has the privilege Scheduler User.

Save and Exit.

To assign the User in the Scheduler configuration files:

Browse to the CM4D Installation folder.

Open the file CM4DScheduler.settings in a text editor.

Copy the line <JobUser userName="username"/> and paste it in the next line.

Enter the user name that you want to use as the Job User between the quotations.

For each user, enter a new line.

Save your changes and close the CM4DScheduler.settings file.

To check the configuration is complete:

Start your CM4D Scheduler and CM4D Launcher Services.

Open Scheduler Manager.

Connect to the Service.

All users that have both the Scheduler Job privilege in Site Manager and a user name listed in a Job User line of the *.settings file will appear in the Job Users field of the Scheduler Monitor tab and in the Job User field in the Job Setup tab.

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