Define Areas within the Plant


Defining unique areas and cells allows operators to assign the responsibility for a defect (the cause). At a later point you can also assign the repair to a particular area and cell.

When looking at reports operators can also view quality data in one area or compare quality data across areas – areas might include Paint, Final Inspect, Body and Assembly. If production areas are not defined, paint concerns (dirt, sags, thin paint) would be reported mixed with body concerns (dents, dings, margins).

Once areas are created, you can assign inspection stations to those areas. You can rearrange how the Area names appear in the list to match the order of your manufacturing process. This order is reflected at the Data Collect inspection stations.

For this tutorial you will need to add the following areas:

Name Code
Frame FR
Paint PT
Assembly & Inspection AI
N.A. N.A.


Refer to the Plant_Layout table in the Tutorial Reference section for a complete description of the plant layout.

1.     Click Plants > Areas > Areas.

2.     Click Add.

3.     In the first field, type the unique Area name.

4.     In the Code field, type the unique code or abbreviation for the area – you can use letters, numbers, underlines and dashes.

5.     Click OK. The dialog box stays open so you can continue adding production areas.

6.     When finished adding production areas, click Done. The new areas are displayed in the areas list.

7.     Click Close to exit the dialog box.