Define Cells within the Plant


Cells are sub-production areas or zones, representing a group of technicians within an area. For example, within the Paint area, there may be four cells: sealer, e-coat, main enamel and spill-out.

Defining unique areas and cells allows operators to assign the responsibility for a defect (the cause). At a later point you can also assign the repair to a particular area and cell.

Quality data can also be compared and contrasted among these cells. The responsible areas/cells are used in setting up parts, concerns and repairs, covered in the next section.

Note: It is highly recommended that you always set up a cell with an "N/A" (Not Applicable) designation. This allows an operator to make an entry even when the responsible area is unknown.

Note: The names and codes of cells must be unique. However, the same cell name and code can be applied to cells in different areas. For example, you can have Line1 in two different areas. They will be treated as completely separate cells.

For this tutorial you will need to add the following cells:

Name Code
Cutting CUT
Decal DE
Derailleur & Crank DC
E-Coat EC
Enamel EN
Handlebar HB
N.A. N.A.
Oven OV
Repair Frame FR
Packing PK
Pre-Assembly PA
Repair Paint PR
Sanding SAND
Shipping SHIP
Welding WELD
Wheel WH


Refer to the Plant_Layout table in the Tutorial Reference section for a complete description of the plant layout.

1.     Click Plants > Cells.

2.     Click Add.

3.     In the first field, type the unique Cell name.

4.     In the Code field, type the unique code or abbreviation for the cell. You can use letters, numbers, underlines and dashes.

5.     Click OK. The dialog box stays open so you can continue adding cells.

6.     When finished, click Done. The new cells are displayed in the cells list.

7.     Click Close to exit the dialog box.