ATS Inspect comes with a complete set of forms that can be used to create your complete user interface. They can be imported as follows.
Run Form Composer.
Click Open.
The Open Form dialog opens.
Click Import in the lower-left corner.
Locate the forms. These will be located in the installation directory:
C:\Program Files\Applied Tech Systems\Inspect\Content\Forms
Most forms are located within the DC (for attribute) and VDC (for variable) sub-folders. The login forms are located at the top level.
Select the Login (User Code).fdl form and click Open.
The Import Forms dialog opens. It lists all the forms that are being imported.
If required, re-name the form by modifying the Description.
If a form with the selected name already exists a warning () will be displayed to the left of the row.
Click OK.
The form is added to the list. We will now add the rest of the forms required for attribute data collection.
Repeat the steps described above to add all of the forms within the DC folder. You can select all of the files together and import them in one go.
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