What is ATS Security

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  1. Basic UI concepts
  2. Authentication and authorization flows

ATS Security provides centralised login logic and workflow for multiple client applications, which are registered to use ATS Security as their identity provider.  The ATS Security authentication and authorisation engine is based on Duende Identity Server 7, which provides claims based security following the OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 standards.

The ATS Security plug-in is accessed using ATS Configuration.

Visit the ATS Configuration help site for further information. 

Basic UI concepts

The user interface of ATS Security is accessible as a plug-in from ATS Configuration. When interacting with the plug-ins in ATS Configuration the users work predominantly with cards, blades and grids. They get feedback for the outcome of their actions with success or failure push notifications.

Visit the ATS Configuration help site for further information. 

Authentication and authorization flows

ATS Security can be used to authenticate and authorize your own applications and API's by leveraging Auth0.  This flexible solution uses the OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocols, while preventing the need to dwell on the more technical aspects of authentication and authorization.

This means that ATS Security can support server-side, mobile, desktop, client-side, machine-to-machine, and device applications.  Auth0 provides a number of different flows depending on your requirements.  For further information on the range of flows supported by Auth0, please click the link icons:

Authorization Code Flow. 

Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). 

Client Credentials Flow. 

Hybrid Flow. 

Resource Owner Password Flow. 

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