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  1. How is Configuration Information Sent to Bus Stops?
  2. Configuring ATS Bus
    1. Master Data
    2. Bus Stops
    3. General
  3. Faster Configuration

How is Configuration Information Sent to Bus Stops?

ATS Bus Cockpit allows you to setup and configure all aspects of ATS Bus. All configuration data is stored on the ATS Bus database via the ATS Bus Data Service.

The different bus stops can then see how they're meant to work by also looking in the database using the Data Service.

Configuring ATS Bus

Master Data must be configured before Bus Stop configuration can be completed.

The following items can be configured:

Master Data

Equipment Classes


Material Properties

Material Classes

Material Definitions

Unit of Measure Classes

Units of Measure



Bus Stops

OT Bus Stop

IT Bus Stop

Cloud Bus Stop

Archive Bus Stop





Faster Configuration

To save time during the configuration stage you can use the Export and Import buttons at the bottom of each channel configuration window to duplicate channels or share them between configurations via an XML file.

For further details please click here.

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