Manage Units of Measure

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  1. Create a Unit of Measure
  2. Modify a Unit of Measure
  3. Delete a Unit of Measure

Create a Unit of Measure

Select the Master Data tab.

Click Units of Measure.

A list of the existing units of measure is shown.

Click Add.

The new UoM dialog opens.

Enter a name and description for the unit of measure.

Select a Unit of Measure Class. Units of measure in the same class can be converted between each other.

Enable Base UoM for class if the conversion of all other UoM in the class will be carried out against this UoM.

Enter a Conversion Factor and Conversion Offset.

For example, in temperature the calculation to convert °C to °F is
°F = (°C x 1.8) + 32
Therefore, if your base UoM was °C then, as an alternative UoM, °F would have:
Conversion Factor
: 1.8
Conversion Offset
: 32

Click Save.

The unit of measure is saved.

Modify a Unit of Measure

Select the Master Data tab.

Click Units of Measure.

Select a unit of measure.

Click Edit.

The UoM dialog opens.

Enter a name and description for the unit of measure.

Enable Base UoM for class if the conversion of all other UoM in the class will be carried out against this UoM.

Enter a Conversion Factor and Conversion Offset.

For example, in temperature the calculation to convert °C to °F is
°F = (°C x 1.8) + 32
Therefore, if your base UoM was °C then, as an alternative UoM, °F would have:
Conversion Factor
: 1.8
Conversion Offset
: 32

Click Save.

The unit of measure is updated.

Delete a Unit of Measure

Select the Master Data tab.

Click Unit of Measure.

Select a unit of measure.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm.

The unit of measure is deleted.

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