Format Tab

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The Format tab controls the formatting of any numerical text appearing within the annot or sub-annot (such as a chart axis, table cell, etc.).

Decimal Places

Sets the decimal places allowed to be displayed within the selected annot. All available decimal place settings (0-9) are listed in the dropdown. Setting a decimal place here will override the Document Defaults Decimal Places Display setting for the selected annotation.

Base = 2

Field Width

Sets the maximum number of integers that will be displayed within the field of a selected annot when used in conjunction with a Lead Character. All available widths (1-20) are listed in the dropdown.

·        The value in a cell will always be shown completely, regardless of the width set

·        Plus/Minus signs and decimals are counted as an integer when calculating Field Width

Base = 8


Sets whether or not the plus (+) sign is displayed in front of all positive integers within the selected annot. Negative integers always show the minus (-) sign.

Base = Yes

Lead Character

Sets the lead character within the selected annot. All available options are listed in the dropdown.

Base = none