
A Camera saves information about the placement of an image within a view.

The Camera dialog contains options for storing a view orientation using six Scopes (i.e. places where a Camera may be stored) of system and user-defined cameras:

·        System: System cameras are predefined and cannot be modified or deleted. These six cameras incorporate the six basic orientations of a 3D model: XY, YX, YZ, ZY, XZ, and ZX.

·        Document: A Document camera is saved with the CM4D document it is created in. Each time that document is opened, regardless of the user, the document camera will be listed for use.

·        Database: A Database camera will be saved within the Database to which the document the camera was created in was connected to. Any document connected to that Database will have access to that camera, regardless of the user.

·        Routine: A Routine camera will be saved with the Routine (or Subroutine) to which the View's DataSource is connected to which was selected when the camera was created. Any document or user may access a Routine camera when connected to that specific Routine (or Subroutine) in a Database.

·        Site Database: A Site Database camera will be saved to the Site level. Only users with access to that Site Database will have access to or be allowed to create a Site Database camera. If you are not using a Site Database, this option will not be enabled.

·        User: A User camera will be saved with the logged on user information, i.e., a User camera created by JSmith may only be accessed by JSmith in any document.

Saving Cameras

1.     To save a Camera, orient your View as desired using the OpenGL 3D Toolbar, and then open the Camera dialog.

2.     Click the New button and enter the label you wish to assign to your Camera in the New Label dialog.

3.     Click OK.

4.     In order to save your new Camera, you must now click the Update button. If you close the Camera dialog without doing this, your new Camera will not be saved.

5.     Update your changes to the Database by right-clicking the DataSource icon in the Tree bar and selecting Update to Database from the context menu, or Save your document.

Deleting Cameras

  1. To delete a Camera, open the Camera dialog.

  2. Highlight the label of the Camera you wish to delete, and click the Remove button.

  3. In order to save your change, you must now click the Update button. If you close the Camera dialog without doing this, your Camera will not be deleted.

  4. Update your changes to the Database by right-clicking the DataSource icon in the Tree bar and selecting Update to Database from the context menu, or Save your document.

Loading a Camera

1.     To Load a saved Camera to a current View, select the View on the Sheet and click the Camera button to open the dialog.

2.     Select the Scope where the desired Camera exists and highlight the Camera's label from the list box.

3.     Select one of the When Loading Camera... radio buttons:

a.     Load Orientation Only will retain the Zoom state which the View is currently in, while loading the selected orientation.

b.     Load Orientation and Zoom will load not only the saved orientation, but also the Zoomed state the View was in when the Camera was created. This option is only available with user-defined cameras.

c.      Load Orientation and Zoom Max will load the saved orientation, the Zoomed stat the View was in when the Camera was created, and maximize the zoom.

4.     Click the Load to View button to return to your View and apply the selected Camera and Load options.