Zoom a View

To Zoom a View using the OpenGL tools, select the view you wish to zoom. To enable the continuous editing capability on the View (i.e it will only be resolved once when you Exit), put the View into Edit mode by either double clicking the View, or by clicking the Edit View button on the toolbar. See the topic Tools for more information on the functionality of the individual OpenGL tools.

Context Menu

To Zoom a View from the context menu, click on the view you wish to zoom to select it. Next, right click on the view and select the desired zoom option. The available zoom options are Max, In, and Out. For more Zoom options, use the OpenGL toolbar as described above.


Zooms the view so all loaded images are visible within the View's border (equivalent of the Zoom Fit tool).


Zooms the view in for enlarged image detail with less of the entire loaded image visible (similar to the Zoom tool).


Zooms the image out for reduced image detail with more of the entire loaded image visible (similar to the Zoom tool).