File Menu


Opens a new CM4D document.


Opens the Open CM4D Document dialog, which allows you to browse to and open an existing CM4D document.

Open Advanced

Opens a sub-menu containing the following advanced options:

·        Open Managed Document... - Opens the Managed Documents dialog to allow selection of an existing Managed Document.

·        Open Old Format... - Deprecated functionality. See the topic Migration Information.


Closes the current CM4D document. If changes have been made, CM4D will prompt you to save before closing.


Saves the current CM4D document. If the document has never been saved, CM4D will open the Save As dialog.

Save As...

Opens the Save As dialog. Select a file location and name your document.

Save Advanced...

Opens the Save Advanced dialog. When a document is saved using the Save option, all three operations are completed automatically. If you use the Save Advanced option, only the operations selected will be completed when the document is saved.

·       Save Document - Saves the current document.

·       Update to Database - Updates the database with any changes made within the document to the database information.

·       Refresh from Database - Refreshes the document to the current state of the database.


Opens the Print dialog.

Print Direct

Sends the active sheet of the report directly to the default printer.

Print Preview

Displays a preview of how the active sheet of the report will appear when printed.

Print Setup...

Opens the Print Setup dialog before printing.

Print Misc

Displays a sub-menu of additional printing methods:

·        Print Batch - Opens the Batch Printing dialog, which allows for the selection (using Ctrl or Shift) of multiple sheets from any SheetSet to be printed as a single print job. Batch printing also allows for printing to a file type (such as PDF or JPEG) while still using the batch printing operation.

·        Print Box - Prints the document region as it appears on your screen.

·        Print to Clipboard - Sends an image of the active sheet of the report to the clipboard.

·        Print to Metafile - Prints the active sheet of the report as a Metafile (*.wmf) image file.

·        Print Bitmap - Prints the active sheet of the report as a Bitmap (*.bmp) image file.

·        Print JPEG - Prints the active sheet of the report as a JPEG (*.jpg) image file.

·        Print PDF - Prints the active sheet of the report as a PDF document.

Email Sheet...

Prints the active report to a PDF and attaches it to an e-mail. As with other CM4D printing methods, whatever is in your main display region will be printed (view the Array Sheet to print entire report). This option is also available as a toolbar button ().

An e-mail client (e.g., Microsoft Outlook) must be installed on the machine that CM4D is running on in order for the PDF to be attached to an e-mail. If a mail client is not found, a message will be displayed that allows you to save the PDF to a file location.

Session Properties

Opens the Session Properties dialog.

Suspend Resolve

When Suspend Resolve is enabled, all document resolve operations will be disabled. This allows for efficient data manipulation without waiting for the entire document to be resolved. Data is not loaded into a Query until it is needed, therefore if Suspend Resolve is enabled, the Query may not be loaded. To force the Query to load, right-click on the Query and select Refresh from Database.

·        Disabling Suspend Resolve will cause a complete document refresh to bring everything up to date.

·        When Suspend Resolve is enabled, the document region will only display the green background.

Recent Documents List

Displays the path and filenames of the last five CM4D documents that have been opened.

·        Unmanaged Documents will show a document path and filename.

·        Managed Documents will show only the filename.


Exits the current session of CM4D. If you have any unsaved documents, you will be prompted to save before CM4D closes.