
When you subscribe to an event, EventSmith will notify you whenever that event occurs by sending you an email to the address set in the User page. The email can contain text describing the event, or can attach an image of a sheet or sheet from the managed document. What is contained in the email id determined by the settings saved in the Managed Document. See the topic Setup a Managed Document to learn more about those settings.

How to Subscribe to Events

After starting EventSmith, the Subscription page is automatically opened.

To subscribe to a CM4D event:

1.     Expand the tree to get to the events

2.     Select the check box next to Send an e-mail for the event you want to subscribe to

3.     The text you enter in the Notification Message will be sent in the e-mail

4.     Click the Save button located at the bottom of the page to save your subscriptions.

5.     Continue to the User page to set your e-mail.