Scheduler Folders

The CM4D Scheduler Manager and services utilize two main system folders, Logs and Scratch. These system folders are created on install and customized via the CM4D.ini file, unlike the user-created folders for CM4D documents or Reports created by users.

Logs Folder

See the topic, Logging.

Scratch Folder

The Scratch Folder is a folder that CM4D Scheduler uses to store a temporary copy of reports as they are being printed. Once the report is printed successfully, the temporary report in the Scratch folder is then moved to the final save folder specified in the Job's properties. If the CM4D Scheduler Service or the CM4D Client is stopped before a report that is being run can be completed, the temporary file will be stored in a sub-folder of the Scratch folder, labeled with the Client ID of the report. Whenever the CM4D Scheduler Service or the CM4D Client is restarted, any reports that are stored in the Scratch folder as incomplete reports will be completed before any new reports are run.

Scratch CM4D.ini Settings

The Scratch folder settings will be taken from the Cm4d.ini file that corresponds to the CM4D Client that will be used to run the Scheduler jobs. To change the default location of the Scratch folder, open the CM4D.ini file and change the following parameter: