API - Managed Document

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The QaManagedDocument object represents a Managed Document entry in the CM4D Site database. A Managed Document represents a CM4D Document that exists somewhere in the network file system. Managed Documents are created by managing a new or existing CM4D Document via methods in the QaDoc API object or via the CM4D application interface.

The CM4D API will maintain a list of Managed Documents as loaded by various QaDoc.LoadManagedDocument… methods. Managed Documents can be loaded with or without their associated subordinate objects (Event Choices, Report Choices, and Managed Routines). If loaded, this object has methods, as listed below, to obtain their representative objects. Document Manager Privilege is required to modify Managed Documents.

Managed Document Methods

Parameter Type Description Remarks
GetEventChoiceByPos(LONG position_); IQaEventChoice*     Get report Choice by list position  
GetManagedRoutineByPos(LONG position_); IQaManagedRoutine*  Get Managed Routine by list position  
GetReportChoiceByPos(LONG position_); IQaReportChoice*    Get Event Choice by list position  
GetEventChoiceCount(void); LONG  Count of subordinate Event Choices    
GetManagedRoutineCount(void); LONG  Count of subordinate Managed Routines  
GetReportChoiceCount(void); LONG  Count of subordinate Report Choices  

Managed Document Properties

Parameter Type Description Remarks
CreateTime; DATE  Managed Document Create Date/Time  Get-only
Filename; BSTR  Document Path and Filename Get-only; fully qualified path
ID; BSTR  Managed Document Unique Identifier Get-only
Name; BSTR  Managed Document Name               
SiteID; BSTR  Site Unique Identifier           Get-only
Status; eManagedStatus  Document Status             
Type; eManagedAsType  Document Type               

Managed Document Enumerators

Managed Document Status - eManagedStatus

Parameters Help String Description Remarks
eManagedDisabled = 0, Managed Document Disabled    
eManagedEnabled  = 1 Managed Document Enabled    

Managed Document Type - eManagedAsType

Parameters Help String Description Remarks
eManagedAsCM4Di      = 3, CM4Di            
eManagedAsDynamicCM4D = 4, Dynamic CM4D     
eManagedAsStaticCM4D = 1, Static CM4D      
eManagedAsWorkcellCM4D = 5 Workcell CM4D