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Not all users will need to be able to make changes to DataSources and documents. To view reports in WTC, a user would need to belong to a group with the Analyst privilege. Privileges are assigned to groups; users are members of groups; groups are given access to sites. Privileges only apply for sites the group is given access too. A user's privileges for a given site are an accumulation of the privileges of groups he is a member of, which have access to the given site.

To create managed documents, a user would need to belong to a group with the Document Manager privilege. To output data to a DataSource, a user would need to belong to a group with the Data Manager or Restricted Data Manager privilege. The users would also need Access to the sites and DataSources they wish to use.

It is important that users understand the privileges they are given. A user can view their privileges in CM4D, CM4Di, CM4D Workcell and DataSmith by viewing the Session Properties dialog found in the File menu option.

Site Database Admin

A user with the Site Database Administrator privilege can:

·        access SiteManager to create sites, DataSources, users, groups, and assign privileges to groups

·        receive CM4D Web User Registration notifications, if the Enterprise Email Configuration is set up (see also, User Registration Administration)

Data Manager

The Data Manager privilege allows the user to modify DataSources. A user with the Data Manager privilege can use DataSmith to output data to DataSources, use CM4D's feature editor to make changes to DataSources, and use DataUtility to make changes to DataSources.

This privilege is a requirement for DataSmithBatch job users.

The child privileges restrict the Data Manager privilege to a list of specific parts of DataSources that users can be assigned to Create, Modify or Delete:

·        Features

·        Nominals

·        Spec Limits

·        Control Limits

·        Actuals

·        Samples

·        Causes

·        Routines

·        Subroutines

·        Alignments

·        MSAs

·        Process Transforms

·        Process Baselines

·        Images

·        Cameras

For example, if a user had the privilege, Create Samples, they could create new samples and actuals. The Create Samples privilege implies the Create Actuals privilege. If a user had only the Create Actuals privilege they would only be able to create actuals. In order to modify existing samples, a user would have to have the Modify Samples privilege.


The Developer privilege allows users to create and make changes to CM4D documents. A user with the Developer privilege can open Managed Documents, but can not make changes to them.

Event Manager

The Event Manager privilege allows you to subscribe to Events on behalf of other users. This must be enabled in combination with the Event Administrator privilege.

See the topic EventSmith Subscription Administration to see where this privilege is required.


The Analyst privilege allows users to

·        open and view managed and unmanaged CM4D documents

·        restricts the user to view documents only

·        users cannot create or modify CM4D documents

Document Manager

A user having the Document Manager privilege can:

·        create/modify Managed Documents

·        create/modify unmanaged CM4D documents

·        access the Managed Report Administration page in CM4D Web

·        edit/modify Managed Reports


The API privilege allows automation of CM4D through Visual Basic. Access to the API via external scripts requires a special ATS CM4D License.

Change Log Manager

The Change Log Manager privilege allows the user to Delete log entries, Modify any user's comments, and turn logging on and off for a session of CM4D.

Disable Change Logging

The subgroup Disable Change Logging privilege only allows the user to turn logging on and off for a session of CM4D.

Workcell Data Manager

The Workcell Data Manager privilege allows a user to commit data to the Database using Workcell. A user with the Workcell Data Manager privilege will not be able to load data into a Database using any other applications (such as DataSmith), unless they also have the Data Manager privilege. The Workcell Data Manager privilege can be assigned to a user without any other privileges. There are two available levels for the Workcell Data Manager privilege (as with the Data Manager privilege): Unrestricted and Restricted.

Data Archiver

The Data Archiver privilege allows the user to access and run Data Archiver. Those with the Data Archiver privilege must also have the Data Manager Delete Samples and Delete Actuals privilege (an unrestricted status is not necessary; Delete Samples and Delete Actuals may be the only privileges assigned with the Data Manager privilege). Few users will own the Data Archiver privilege.

Batch User

The Batch User privilege allows the DataSmith Batch service to be run as that user. The Batch User can then be assigned in Batch Manager to run Batch Service and receive all generated events without being given the Batch Manager privilege.

The Batch User must also be assigned the appropriate DataManager privileges in order to add new data or make changes to existing data in the database. The most common privileges given to Batch users is the Create Sample and/or Modify Sample.

Batch Manager

The Batch Manager privilege allows the user to create and modify Batch Jobs within the Batch Manager application. The Batch Manager privilege only allows a user to run the DataSmithBatch Manager application and create Batch Jobs, not to run the processes. Having the Batch Manager privilege does not automatically grant the Batch User privileges.

Filter Manager

The Filter Manager privileges allow a user to manage Database Filters using DataUtility.

·        Routine/Feature/Sample Definitions - a user may create, modify, or delete Routine, Sample, and Feature Filters.

·        Routine/Feature/Sample Elements - a user may create, modify, or delete Routine, Sample, and Feature Elements.

If a user has the parent privilege, Filter Manager, all six child privileges are implied by default (even when the six are not checked). Alternately, if a user has only a child Definition privilege, the child Element privilege is included. However, if the child Element is the only privilege selected, the user will not automatically have the child Definition privilege.

Scheduler User

The Scheduler User privilege allows Scheduler and the Scheduler Services to be run as that user. A Scheduler User can then be assigned in Scheduler Manager to run jobs without being given the Scheduler Manager privilege. If a Scheduler User does not also have the Scheduler Manager privilege, they will only be able to view their own scheduled and processing jobs.

Scheduler Manager

The Scheduler Manager privilege allows the user to create and modify Scheduler Jobs within the Scheduler Manager application, as well as view all Scheduled jobs. Having the Scheduler Manager privilege does not automatically grant the user to have Scheduler User privileges as well. In order to run jobs, a user must have the Scheduler User privileges as well.

Event Administrator

The Event Manager privilege allows you to subscribe to Events on behalf of other users. This must be enabled in combination with the Event Administrator privilege.

See the topic EventSmith Subscription Administration to see where this privilege is required.

Script Administrator

Users with the Script Administrator privilege can determine which .Net Assemblies, whether global or private, are available for use with internal scripting in CM4D via the Script Config dialog.

Script Manager Public

Users can create, modify, or remove scripts that are available to all users in the Site.

Script Manager Group

Users can create, modify, or remove scripts for all users that belong to the group selected in the script.

Script Manager User

Users can create, modify, or remove their own scripts.

Script Executor Public

Users can Execute (Run) any scripts created for Public use.

Script Executor Group

Users can Execute (Run) any scripts created for the group(s) that the user belongs to.

Script Executor User

Users can Execute (Run) any scripts they have created.