API - Site Configuration

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The QaSiteConfiguration object represents a Site Configuration entry in the CM4D Site Database. When CM4D is started all Site Configurations are loaded from the Site Database and become available to the API. The QaDoc API object has methods to get Site Configurations. Changes to Site Configurations must be committed via the QaDoc.UpdateDatabase method. A CM4D document does not need to be opened (via QaDoc.OpenDocument) to obtain or update Site Configurations. New Site Configurations must be added via the SiteManager application. Site Manager Privilege is required to modify Site Configurations.

Site Configuration Properties

Parameter Type Description Remarks
ChangeLogging; eChangeLogging  Site Change Logging Status  
Code; BSTR  Site Code           Get-only
Description; BSTR  Site Description     
ID; BSTR  Site Unique Identifier     Get-only
ImagePath; BSTR  Site Image Path      
Label; BSTR  Site Label           
UncPath; BSTR  Site UNC Path        

Site Configuration Enumerators

Change Logging - eChangeLogging

Parameters Help String Description Remarks
eChangeLoggingOff = 0, Change Logging Off    
eChangeLoggingOn = 1 Change Logging On