Container Annotation

The Container annotation type has been deprecated, and its use will potentially limit the availability of future enhancements. It is highly recommended to use the Picture Annot in place of the Container Annot for new development, and to replace existing Container Annot with a Picture annot where convenient.

Containers can hold objects such as pictures, graphics, movies, animations, or text boxes. A container is a unique item. Types of annotation which can be held in containers are bitmap image files, a Microsoft Excel document, or a variety of other types of files. In order for CM4D to display an image correctly in a Container, you must have the corresponding viewer installed on your system.

Create a Container

1.     Select the Container button image\CM4D0076.gif from the sheet toolbar, or select Annotation from the menu bar, then New, then Container.

2.     The mouse pointer will change to resemble the container button. Click on the sheet to create a container with the default size or click and drag to manually resize the container field.

3.     The Insert Object dialog will appear:

4.     Choose the type of file you wish to create or insert. The annotation you have created will go directly into the edit mode. Your menu bar will change to reflect the type of file you are inserting or creating.

Using a bitmap (BMP) file in a container annotation and then saving them as an annotation template is not recommended.

Edit a Container

Double click within the Container border to put the annotation in edit mode. The type of application that opens will be dependent upon the type of file you are editing. When editing has been completed, save your changes and then exit the program to return to CM4D. Your changes will now appear in the edited container annotation.

Delete a Container

Select the container annotation to be deleted and press the delete key or right click within the annotation and select the Delete option from the menu. Multiple annotation can be selected for deletion by holding the shift key and clicking the left mouse button on each annotation that you wish to delete. Then strike the delete key.