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  1. My Projects
  2. Select a Project
  3. View History
  4. Upload New Files
  5. Project Status

My Projects

The main landing page of CM4D Upload Portal is the Project page. Available Projects are shown in tiles with either a title or a title and image to identify the project. Individual project availability is dependent on the logged in users' assigned role in ATS Security Manager.

Select a Project

Click on a tile to select the project. Once selected, the tile border turns green and a check appears in the upper right corner.

Once a project is selected, choose one of two actions:

  1. Upload New Files - add one of more files for submission to the CM4D database
  2. View History - see the list of previously submitted files

View History

Each Project tracks the files that have been uploaded by users. The columns can be searched and sorted. New files can be uploaded directly using the New button, rather than returning to the main project page.

See here for more information.

Upload New Files

Once a Project is selected, select the data files to be uploaded. One or more files can be added for upload and processing into the CM4D database. Once a file is added, it will be run through a preliminary validation against the DataSmith Translator.

See here for more details on uploading files.

Project Status

The project tile appearance indicates the status of a project. All projects for which you have permissions to access have a tile on the main landing page. Some conditions may effect what can be done with a project if you can upload a file immediately or if there may be temporary access restrictions.

See here for more details.

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