Annot Properties - Terminator Tab

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. 1. Terminator Type
  2. 2. Length
  3. 3. Width
  4. 4. Size
  5. 5. User Composite Terminator

The Terminator tab determines the style of the end of a leader line.

Terminator Type Composite Length Width Size 1. Terminator Type

To set the terminator (or cap) type for the end of a leader line, select a shape from the dropdown. The arrow type has a length and width, while all the other types have an overall size.



No Terminator








Check Mark

Hollow Plus

Hollow X

Four Corner Star

2. Length

Adjust the length of the Arrow Terminator Type by entering a new value in the Length field.

3. Width

Adjust the width of the Arrow Terminator Type by entering a new value in the Width field.

4. Size

Adjust the diameter of the any Terminator Type (other than Arrow) by clicking in the Size edit box and entering a new value.

5. User Composite Terminator

When the Use Composite Terminator is enabled, a leader line for a Distance Feature will point to two Reference Features in the View.

Without Composite Terminator


With Composite Terminator


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