CM4D Default Ports

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. ATS Applications
  2. Third-Party Applications

The table below shows the default ports assigned by the various installers related to CM4D applications and services. These defaults can should be used for reference only, as the ports may have been changed to another value during installation or later by a system administrator.

ATS Applications

Application/Service Port Type Installer Description

ATS Configuration Manager


Application + Service Endpoint

ATS Security Configuration Manager

This port is used by the ATS Configuration Manager web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.

ATS Licensing (v3)


Application + Service Endpoint

ATS Licensing Server v3

This port is used by CM4D to communicate between the ATS Licensing Server and clients. When the client PC runs a CM4D application, it sends a request to the application server (where the ATS Licensing Server is installed) to check if there is an available license in the database via ATS Licensing Manager on TCP port 8001. If any available license exists, the application server sends the information back to the client to run related application. If TCP 8001 is not open, clients will not be able to run any CM4D application in their local environment.

ATS Licensing (v4)


Plugin + Service Endpoint

ATS Licensing Configuration and Server v4+

This port is used by CM4D clients to communicate with the Licensing plugin in the ATS Configuration Manager.

ATS Security Manager


Plugin + Service Endpoint

ATS Security Configuration Manager

This port is used by the ATS Security Manager web application and corresponding Windows service.



Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D Configuration

This port is used by the CM4D API service, which supports the web applications CM4D Peruse and Upload Portal and their associated Windows services.

CM4D Scheduler


Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D Server

This port is used by CM4D to reach the Scheduler Manager Services (which is running on the application server) from client PCs. Clients that have privileges for Scheduler Manager can control scheduled reports and alarms to print PDFs or trigger alarm conditions on report templates. In addition, there are two services on the application server (ATS CM4D Scheduler and ATS CM4D Launcher) that are running for scheduled report processing. If TCP 36057 is not open, a client will not able to reach the Scheduler Manager to configure or manage unless Scheduler Manager is located on the local server.

CM4D Web




This port is used by CM4D to open CM4DWeb on the client PC via the Internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer). In CM4DWeb, clients are able to see all published and managed reports and print a PDFs to save to their local environment. A client can subscribe to any reports to get an alarm email according to related reports event configurations. If TCP 80 (http:80) is not open, clients will not able to open CM4DWeb to print PDFs or set alarm notifications (EventSmith).

DataSmith Batch Proxy


Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D DataSmith Batch Proxy

This port is used by the DataSmith Batch Proxy service, which supports the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.

DataSmith Translator


Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D DataSmith Translator

This port is used by the DataSmith Translator service, which supports the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.



Application + Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D Peruse

This port is used by web server to run the CM4D Peruse web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.

Peruse API


Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D Peruse

This port is used by the Peruse API service, which supports the Peruse web application and corresponding Windows service. This service runs behind the scenes on the host server and is not visible to connecting clients.

Upload Portal


Application + Service Endpoint

ATS CM4D Upload Portal

This port is used by web server to run the CM4D Upload Portal web application and corresponding Windows service. The web address used by clients to connect to the web application includes the port number.

Third-Party Applications

Application Default Port Type Installer Description

File Sharing


Netbios 137-139


This is the default port for Windows for File Sharing. In computer networking, Server Message Block (SMB), one version of which was also known as Common Internet File System (CIFS), operates as an application-layer network protocol mainly used for providing shared access to files, printers, and serial ports and miscellaneous communications between nodes on a network. CM4D needs a shared folder on the network to store all CM4D managed report templates, translators, Inboxes, etc. Clients should be able to reach this shared folder to modify and manage report templates and translators. DataSmith Batch Manager is using this shared folder to locate defined Inbox folders and to process automatically data files via DataSmith. If TCP 445 is not open, clients cannot work on any CM4D Files or update any DataSmithBatch Settings.

HOOPS Communicator


Stream Cache Server

ATS CM4D Peruse

HOOPS Communicator is third-party software that is the Stream Cache Server application that streams 3D model data to the HOOPS Web Viewer integrated in CM4D Peruse for client-side rendering.

SQL Server Database


Database Management System

Microsoft Installer

This is the default port for Microsoft SQL Server database management system (MSSQL) server. As CM4D uses MS SQL Server to locate CM4D Site, CM4D and Results databases, this port must be open for clients to access data via CM4D applications and services.

Virus Scanner


Service Endpoint


[Optional] Install a third-party virus scanner for scanning uploaded data files in CM4D Upload Portal.

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