
Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. Installer Requirements
  2. CM4D Server Installation
    1. Windows Redistributables
  3. CM4D Client Installation
    1. Windows Redistributables
  4. CM4D Results Services Installation
  5. CM4D Web Installation
  6. Silent Installation

Installer Requirements

For the CM4D installation to be successful:

See also, General CM4D System Troubleshooting.

CM4D Server Installation

The CM4D Server Installation includes the core CM4D products, automation, scheduled reporting, alarm notification, web reporting, and database user privileges. This type of installation is installed on a network Server and licensed with a Named Server License. The Server installer is used for network application servers that host the services, applications, and/or databases that will be accessed from Client machines throughout the network. It includes the core CM4D products, Database Utilities and the services: DataSmith Batch, CM4D Scheduler and EventSmith. The Server installation is also used in conjunction with the CM4D Results Services and the CM4D web application installations (Peruse, Upload Portal, Web), but these can be installed on a different server. The CM4D Server install is typically used by large networks running Automation services, with multiple Clients connecting to the server for database access, document storage, and ATS licensing.

CM4D Server Installations require a Named (Node Locked) Server license to run the CM4D Scheduler, CM4D Launcher and DataSmith Batch services. This license is requested automatically on the ATS Licensing Server when any of those services attempt to start for the first time.

Windows Redistributables

Depending on your configuration, the following redistributable packages may be required in order to use CM4D Server on the Windows operating system:

CM4D Client Installation

The CM4D Client Installation includes the core CM4D products without the automation services. This type of installation is typically installed on a non-server machine and licensed as either a Concurrent or Named License. The Client installer is used for either a standalone workstation or a server client system that will connect to a database or automation server on the network. It includes the core CM4D products - Classic (also Interactive and Workcell), DataSmith, DataUtility, DbConnect, and SiteManager. 

There are two different configurations in which the same Client install of ATS CM4D is used:

Windows Redistributables

Depending on your configuration, the following redistributable packages may be required in order to use CM4D Server on the Windows operating system:

CM4D Results Services Installation

The Results services are the central mechanism that transfers data from CM4D into the Results database.

These services are installed using the ATS CM4D Results Services installer, which provides deployment flexibility to add service instances in larger organizations.

See the topic Results Transport for technical details on how these services can be distributed and monitored for optimal performance.

The Results services are typically installed on the same machine as CM4D Server, but the Results services are a separate installer from CM4D Server to allow one or more of the services to be distributed to additional servers. To support scalability for larger organizations the services can run on a single computer or multiple computers, and multiple instances of each service can be added and distributed throughout your network.

Only ONE instance of each of the three Results Services is supported per server.

The Results services can be deployed as Windows services (default install option) or as docker images.

The Results loader service can work without any connection to the Site database (e.g. in the cloud connected via a RabbitMQ queue). The connection is entered during the installation of the service.

See the topic Install CM4D Results Services for details.

CM4D Web Installation

The CM4D Web installer includes CM4D Web only. All other ATS CM4D applications, including the Scheduler and EventSmith services required by CM4D Web, must be installed using the standard CM4D Server installer. This can be on the same server, or on a different server.

See the CM4D Web help documentation for more information.

Silent Installation

CM4D v24 or higher can be installed/uninstalled without the installer user interface via command line, referred to as a 'silent' or 'quiet' installation.

See the topic Silent Installation for details.

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