Silent Installation

Topic ContentsTopic Contents
  1. Installation Commands
    1. Install Example 1 - Default User
    2. Install Example 2 - Domain User
  2. Uninstallation Commands
    1. Uninstall Example 1

This topic contains information relating to installing or uninstalling CM4D without the installer user interface via command line, referred to as a 'silent' or 'quiet' installation. This installation option is compatible with CM4D v24 and up.

Some recommendations:

  1. Make sure all the data has been processed and nothing is waiting in any queue
  2. Stop all CM4D services
  3. Backup Settings files and INI file

Installation Commands




Disable Reboot

Prevents the automatic reboot that is triggered when the installation is finished. A manual system reboot is highly recommended.



Generates an installation log file.


Relative Path

The log file is created wherever the installer is located.

/L*V "example.log"

Absolute Path

The log file is created in the location specified by the path.

/L*V "C:\installs\example.log"

Service User

Set the type and credentials of the user that will be configured to run the CM4D Services, such as Scheduler or Results.

Local System

Installs the CM4D services with the default 'Local System' user. This is equivalent to the 'Quick Install' method during manual installation.


Domain User

Install the CM4D services with a Domain user account by providing a user and password, with the user name including the domain name.

CM4D_SERVICE_USER="domain\username" CM4D_SERVICE_USER_PASS="password"

Windows User

Install the CM4D services with a local Windows user account by providing a user and password.

CM4D_SERVICE_USER=".\cm4dservice" CM4D_SERVICE_USER_PASS="password"

User Interface

Runs as a silent installation with no user interface (GUI).


Install Example 1 - Default User

"ATS CM4D Server 64 Bit v24.x.xxxxx.x.exe" QUICK_INSTALL_OR_INVALIDUSER="1"  /qn /norestart /L*V "example.log"

Install Example 2 - Domain User

"ATS CM4D Server 64 Bit v24.x.xxxxx.x.exe" CM4D_SERVICE_USER="ats-global\hmiyazaki" CM4D_SERVICE_USER_PASS="password" /qn /norestart /L*V "example.log"

Uninstallation Commands




Disable Reboot

Prevents the automatic reboot that is triggered when the uninstall is finished. A manual system reboot is highly recommended.



Generates a log file with information relating to the uninstallation.


Relative Path

The log file is created wherever the installer is located.

/L*V "example.log"

Absolute Path

The log file is created in the location specified by the path.

/L*V "C:\installs\example.log"


Executes a silent uninstall.



Instructs the bootstrapper to call the MSI inside the EXE to initiate the uninstall protocol.


User Interface

Runs as a silent uninstallation with no user interface (GUI).


Uninstall Example 1

"ATS CM4D Server 64 Bit v24.x.xxxxx.x.exe" /x // /qn /norestart /l*v “install.log”

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